Chapter 571 Evening Entertainment

Xu Yang sorted out the independent armed forces, and Aledy was getting ready for a meal at the Junyue Hotel.

She sat in the armored car and ordered everyone unrelated to get the hell out.

"Oh my, such a decrepit city, how boring." Aledy rolled down the car window and looked at the old districts outside.

She saw the buildings mismatched and haphazardly arranged, with antennas and glass canopies chaotically erected on rooftops, canvas draped over broken windows. The majority of people looked listless, wearing visibly cheap clothing, their skin coarse and their bodies exhausted from long-term physical labor.

Though the people were poor, they didn't necessarily feel sorrow or despair because there were plenty of amusing diversions to keep them entertained, from street vendors hawking stamps and cigarettes to cheap brain electrode stimulation parlors and brain receptor modifications that boost dopamine.