Section 203: Puppet of the Past_3

"I pity her because she was saved by her savior, transforming from a tragic being destined for corruption and deformity back to normal," Malin said. "I pity her because I understand that for the sake of many innocents' survival, I must kill her and her companions. I was moved by the purest friendship between them, touched by the most flawless care they showed each other. I'm ashamed that I must kill two pitiable children to save tens of thousands of innocents, because I've said that all lives are equal. Yet, on that day, I had to break my vow. I am ashamed of my words and actions, even though I went through with it, even though I told myself that sacrificing two is better than sacrificing tens of thousands... But I still can't forgive myself for the choice I made that day. For I broke my promise, and my actions brought shame to my words. That's why I pity them... Because I can't pity myself."