Section 232: Everyone is a bridge to happiness for each other

Malin sat at the small table, watching the half-blood in the intense light, the silhouette holding a bowl of fragrant covered meat rice, tossed it onto the table, "Hungry, are you? If you're hungry, you better start explaining why you have come to find our Matilda in the middle of the night."

Malin sniffed and let out a satisfied burp—he had eaten a bit too much at Mowish's house earlier, and he wasn't hungry yet; the meat there was really plentiful.

The apprentices nearby laughed themselves silly, and the silhouette turned off the intense light, then plopped down in front of Malin. As the young mentor began to eat, he examined Malin, "You took down that twisted armor by yourself."

"Ah, all thanks to Fio, Lorrin, and Blood Roar. Of course, Milani and Bippo also helped." Malin gestured toward his little helpers; Fio with Blood Roar, Lorrin acting out Bippo with Milani, the family of five was harmonious and happy.