Chapter 343: That Midsummer (Part 1)

The City of Galicano was built against the mountains, and for anyone, it was a formidable fortress; but for Malin, this damned place was the purgatory of all ironclad straight men—to peek inside a shop across the street, one had to climb nearly thirty steps before pushing the door open.

This city had a large population of Dwarves. In the last era, this region was once a Dwarven Kingdom, which later perished under the wave of Chaos, before the people reclaimed it.

When the Dwarves of that kingdom returned, they found that it had become a human realm. After negotiations, the Dwarves were granted the right to live in this city, and then, with the signing of the various civilization accords, Dwarves began to cohabit with humans in this region.