Section 535: Bright Mirror (Part 2)

Old Hagelberry from the Hagelberry family heard the news of his cousin's death from the military at five o'clock this morning.

Poor Keders, may his lord have mercy on him.

That was all Hagelberry could do since he and Keders had different beliefs. He could only bless his cousin, hoping for salvation and a human death. More often than not, these were but vain hopes.

But according to the military's messenger, Lord Malin had performed the final Purification for his cousin, which was fortunate. Old Hagelberry was sincerely grateful to that Lord,

As the military's young representatives, Jon of the Svenson family and Link walked toward the hall, Hagelberry could hear an argument inside.

Standing outside were many representatives from the Church, including several members of the Benevolent Church, which piqued his curiosity.