Jon Svenson woke up in his own private resting room, the young man sat up and saw his brother sitting in front of a small stove grilling venison—graciously provided by Sir Malin, who had asked the hunters of the Frost Giant clan to bring from the North, paying them with fine salt, wheat flour, and currency from a Firearm. The Frost Giants were very satisfied with this, and the soldiers guarding the front line were even more delighted because everyone had a piece of grilled venison the night before.
After getting used to eating sand, pebbles, and sawdust in black bread, Jon felt the joy of eating venison for the first time once again—it was meat, a big chunk of meat.
"Did we have any meat left from yesterday?" the elder brother rose from his bedroll.
"Sir Malin said there was some extra yesterday, so I took two pieces for breakfast," Link replied.
"You didn't get enough last night?" Jon asked with a chuckle.