Chapter 173: Population, Production, Trade_4

The tragic decimation of Osenia's family was beginning to become all too common in the Green Valley Region.

Even estate owners and planters couldn't endure it, let alone ordinary civilians.

Selling arms and equipment to the Green Valley Region was meant to help them better resist the monster waves.

And not just selling arms, either.

While up in the sky, Gu Hang had heard reports about the Green Valley Region, and he was also greatly concerned about the situation there.

The rampant devastation caused by the mutant monster tides was certainly intolerable.

With a population of ten million, the Green Valley Region was a vast peninsula covering more than two thousand kilometers east to west, and over five thousand kilometers from north to south, narrowing towards the south, its overall terrain somewhat resembling the Indian Peninsula from Gu Hang's world before the crossing, with possibly even better natural and geographical environments.