WebNovelSuper Zoo32.84%


Fare-jumping... It's quite normal, it's not just the back mountain, even the perimeter wall of the zoo, after being raised, is just about two or three meters high, and two adults can easily boost each other over it. Even when they're caught, at worst, they just have to pay for a ticket.

Fare-dodging can't be completely prevented, but it also can't be ignored.

"Build, we must build! Construct a big surrounding wall, or like foreign nature reserves, enclose our zoo's two mountains within!"

"Alright, I'll go find a construction team. After I've stamped the paperwork for the wall, I'll bring it to you for your signature," Mrs. Tong said.

Mrs. Tong's visit today had an actual purpose, which was to say this line.

The talk about building a wall was just an excuse, not the real aim.