'Brother Ten'—these two words seemed to possess some kind of magic to the group of gangsters led by Ji Xiang.
'Brother Ten' is an interesting moniker, generally used to address someone who is the tenth in birth order in their family.
In Xiangjiang, and in fact throughout the country, it is extremely rare to find a family with ten sons.
And in the underworld, there is only one such family.
Even though this name, this person, hasn't appeared in the underworld for a long time, the name still stands as an unshakable banner in the underworld. To the younger generation like Ji Xiang, it represents an almost godlike figure.
The youngsters with dyed yellow hair, only sixteen or seventeen years old, didn't think much of it, assuming that Suming was merely calling someone over the phone. This was Shenghe turf, and no matter how many people the other party called, it would be useless, prompting them to stare at Suming even more provocatively;