When Long Wu mentioned World of Warcraft, Suming's first reaction wasn't to associate it with movies at all. He nodded subconsciously: "Yeah, I've played it. I never expected you to be a gamer at your age, bro. I play a Magician, what class do you play?"
"Huh?" Long Wu looked at Suming with a confused expression.
It was Xiang Zuo who chimed in from the side: "My dad doesn't play, all he does is steal vegetables. He can't handle all the skills in World of Warcraft. I play a Protection Warrior, on the Tenth District Dalkhan Server. Uncle, which region and server do you belong to? What's your gear level? Horde or Alliance? Next time let's team up for a 2v2 and grind for honor ranks..."
"I'm with the Horde in the Fifth District Theramore," Suming responded.