Three little monkeys simultaneously stuck out their tiny butts at Suming. At first, Suming didn't get it—were they about to fart at me?
But then, catching sight of their bare buttocks, Suming suddenly understood.
Although the White-headed Leaf Monkey's butt isn't covered in much fur, it certainly isn't this bare; the fur on these three monkeys' butts looked like it had been shaved with a razor, revealing a swath of red, raw skin.
Suming realized, those two tourists shaved the monkeys' butts?
This... is this some kind of sickness?
Why on earth would they shave the hair off a monkey's butt?
I've heard of people shaving their private parts, talking about Azure Dragons and white tigers, but shaving a monkey? That's unheard of!
Shaving is one thing, but then Yingying took Suming's hand and placed it in the slightly older White-headed Leaf Monkey's small hand to show him.