Chapter 10 Your Majesty_2

Fortunately, Bailuo's quick reflexes allowed him to catch it: "Is this the unlosable nature of miracles?"


Uncle said, "Aside from some special miracles, most can only be controlled by their Miracle Lord and cannot be taken away without the owner's consent."

Once the Iron Eagle King learned that Bailuo possessed such a Farming Artifact, he wouldn't harbor thoughts of seizing it, nor would he kill Bailuo.

Because the miracle couldn't be stolen.

And killing Bailuo would only cause the pocket to vanish into thin air, rendering it meaningless.

"Your miracle poses no threat to the reign of the Iron Eagle King, but it can make the agriculture of the country thrive and improve living conditions,"

For such talent, the Iron Eagle King would only seek to win him over, not to eliminate him.

This has been the foundation of the Iron Eagle King's rule for 200 years.

Gathering Miracle Lords who possess miracles, granting them land and autonomy, thus ensuring the country's prosperity and stability.

"Count Thorn of Thorn Fort is one such person,"

"He received a miracle, then accepted the Iron Eagle King's recruitment, becoming an Earl, and gaining control over the life and death of our lands,"

Bailuo understood; Uncle was telling him that with no combat power in the pocket, his best option was to present it to the Iron Eagle King in exchange for glory and riches.

But after knowing the relationship between the Iron Eagle King and the Yatun Clan, Bailuo asked, "Is there a second option?"


Uncle looked at Bailuo, smiled, and said, "I understand what you mean."

"Do you trust me, Xiao Luo?"

"Of course!"

Uncle was the person Bailuo trusted the most, for the old man had never let him down.

Just like this time, the appearance of the Black Leather Book, he asked the old man and then learned about the existence of miracles.

"I'll gather the entire clan,"


Bailuo was at first puzzled, then he understood his intention.

In any era, in any place, force was always the foundation of rule.

The Initial Sprout Holy Pouch had no combat power, but it could cultivate combat power.

Although the People of Yatun were few, each was an elite, a talent.

The seeds poured from the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch were meant to be cultivated, and the Yatun people would sooner or later discover this.

Instead of hiding it, it was better to tell them from the start and treat the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch as the "national treasure," protected by the entire village.

The character of the People of Yatun, Bailuo knew all too well.

They harbored a deep grudge against the Iron Eagle Kingdom and felt a strong sense of belonging to the "Yatun Bloodline."

In the past, they lacked the capital to rebel, to say "no."

But now, with the Miracle Pocket, as long as they continued to bide their time, a day would come when they would rise.

"Yes, it's better to tell them straight away and turn the potential into combat strength in the shortest time possible,"

In battle, Bailuo had surpassed Uncle, but there was still much to learn from the old man in other respects.

Bailuo was grateful that with Uncle's strategic advice by his side when he received the miracle, he avoided many detours.



Startled by being called out, Inya looked aghast: "I...I didn't sneak any food!"

Seeing the roasted rabbit in Inya's hands, Bailuo covered his face embarrassedly: 'This girl has such nerve.'

In such a crucial moment, she dared to eat sneakily, using Uncle's words—this person has quite the demeanor of a king.

Only Abadun, with the demeanor of a great general, fainted in the bathroom.

"Lord of the Clan,"

Not long after, a woman with her eyes covered in white gauze, wearing a pure white gown, holding a blind person's cane, entered the courtyard supported by Miya and Shuster.


"Bai...Bailuo, big brother..."

As the children looked up, they were startled to see a huge Silver Mane head, which gave them quite a fright.

"It's me."

Bailuo, at this time, was wearing the silver fur robe made from the mane he had previously hunted, in accordance with Uncle's request.

The massive Silver Mane head, much like a headpiece, rested atop Bailuo's head, the lengthy silver robe trailing on the ground behind him.

This attire was incredibly majestic, and Bailuo did not wear it ordinarily; it was reserved for grand festivals.

"So cool,"

The siblings understood the significance of the Silver Mane robe, symbolic of Bailuo's hunting prowess and representing the strength of the strongest among the Yatun Clan.

"Once you come of age, I'll help you make a fur coat of your own."

This is a tradition among the People of Yatun, wearing beast-skin coats, striding through wind and snow and forests, intimidating enemies.


Miya was filled with anticipation. Shuster, however, was pondering whether he'd be able to wear such a coat considering his small strength.


Bai Luo patted the heads of the two children before turning his attention to the woman standing beside them.

Alaya was older than Bai Luo, 25 years old this year.

She was a woman with a tragic fate.

Born blind, and having suffered from eating large quantities of toxic plants that destroyed her bodily functions due to hunger during her childhood, she had lost the most important ability of a woman: to bear children.

Alaya didn't want to trouble anyone, so she lived alone in the village.

"Come in quickly."

Bai Luo had always admired Alaya for her strength and kindness. She was a well-known saintly figure in the village.

"Shuster, help Alaya get a chair."

"I'll just stand..."

"Here's the chair!"

Not waiting for Alaya to refuse, Shuster made a great effort to bring out a chair from the house for Alaya to sit.

"Thank you."

Once Alaya was seated, although she considered herself a cripple, she was still a member of the People of Yatun. So, for any major event, she would be present.

Abadun soon arrived.

Following him were the families from Lu Lin, the White Eagle Family, and the Brotherhood.

Years ago, Bai Luo felt that aside from his own lineage, the People of Yatun had no surnames and that was degrading. Thus, he created surnames for each family.

For example, Abadun's full name was Abadun Storm.

Storm was the surname Bai Luo gave to Abadun.

Doing so also made it clearer to distinguish the distribution of the populations within the Yatun Clan, how many families there were.

Soon, everyone in the village, men and women, young and old, were summoned by the uncle.

"Is what you said true? Have you really found it?"

The uncle was the last to arrive. An elder accompanied him, none other than the sole physician of Yatun Village.

In this world, the elder's name meant 'mountain', so Bai Luo and others respectfully called him Elder Shan, Elder Mountain Grandpa.

"Absolutely true."

The uncle assured Elder Shan and then stepped forward, "Xiao Luo, bring out the item."

Without hesitation, Bai Luo took out the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch.

The knowledge of the People of Yatun was limited, with most of them quite ignorant, except for a few elderly members.

After all, when even filling their stomachs was a luxury, learning was simply too extravagant.

Furthermore, the People of Yatun valued martial prowess over literacy, so very few could even read.

"Could this thing possibly be..."

"Do we, do we have one too?"

"Belonging to us, the People of Yatun!"

Several elders seemed to recognize the origin of the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch, with its exquisite craftsmanship radiating a faint glow even under moonlight and flames.

"This is a miracle!"

The uncle's voice was hoarse and deep, but to those among the People of Yatun who understood what a miracle was, it was like a peal of thunder.

It was true, it was indeed a miracle. Bai Luo had found the People of Yatun's miracle!

"Quick, kneel down, all of you kneel."

The elders knew what to do, they had heard similar legends.

So they each pulled the younger ones beside them, along with the confused children, and everyone kneeled in the courtyard of Bai Luo's house.


"What's going on?"

Bai Luo was puzzled by this sudden turn of events.

He saw more and more people kneeling, even Alaya, with the help of Shuster and Miya, followed, kneeling down behind the uncle alongside Inya.

"In the presence of this miracle, I swear to you!"

The uncle looked at Bai Luo, then bent his knee in a kneel like the others. Bai Luo tried to stop him but was halted by the uncle's firm gaze.

"No matter the hardships that lie ahead,"

"In this life, all of us are willing to pledge our bodies," the uncle bowed his head solemnly: "and proclaim you, our King!"