Chapter 18 Riding (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Another week had passed, and Bailuo diligently cared for Sherri while continuing to produce various foods from the pouch, increasing the food reserves of the People of Yatun.

The Yatun consisted of eighty individuals, including children and the elderly who also possessed considerable strength.

Bailuo planned to first stockpile 2000 kilograms.

As for more, Bailuo would not produce it immediately but let it accumulate in the pouch, making it easy to carry.

If things went as expected, they were about to launch their migration plan.

At that time, excessive baggage would slow the pace of the group's journey.

It would be better to produce only as much food as they consumed.

The reason to carry so much food was that they might need to trade with outsiders.

Imagine during a trade, if others saw you carrying nothing yet somehow produced thousands of kilograms of food from thin air, even the dullest person would notice something fishy.

Both Uncle and Senior Sister unanimously decided that now was not the time for Bailuo to reveal his miracles.

Only when the numbers of the People of Yatun increased, and they trained a sufficient army,

would they, relying on the dominant nature of the Yatun bloodline, have a foothold overseas.

Not all People of Yatun were strong.

Only those who experienced ancestral regression like Bailuo and Isefia could become as powerful.

Sometimes, you would have examples like Shuster.

But in the end, People of Yatun are still People of Yatun.

It is not to say that if the parents are weak, their children must also be weak, the best example of which is Bailuo.

Bailuo's father and uncle were blood brothers, but his physical condition was only slightly better than that of Shuster.

Thus, even Shuster, when he grew up, got married, and had children, his offspring could still provide valuable combat strength for Yatun.

Initial Holy Pouch

Contract: Bailuo Yatun

Level: Least Tier

Category: Miracle Object

Faction: Divine Twilight

Ability One: Imagine agricultural crops you have eaten before. You can produce seeds of that crop and fruits no larger than your fist, with a maximum of 200 kilograms per day

How to use it: Think of food in your mind, turn the pouch upside down, and seeds and fruits will come out.

Perhaps due to the continuous use of the Initial Sprout Holy Pouch, Bailuo found that the description in the Black Leather Book had slightly changed that morning.

"It's increased!"

Firstly, the limit had gone from the original 100 kilograms to 200 kilograms.

And the size limit of the fruits had changed from the size of a thumb to the size of a fist.

"My fist..."

Bailuo examined his fist. It wasn't large, but certainly not small. A clenched fist was more than enough compared to fruits like apples, peaches, or oranges.

"Should I try it?"

Bailuo first imagined apples in his mind, then the pouch suddenly felt heavy. When he tipped it over, apples began to clatter out onto the ground.

"It worked!"

Bailuo had thought that was the only miracle, but unexpectedly, it could also be strengthened and enhanced.

He immediately went to find his uncle.

"I have indeed heard about this, miracles are not immutable but will continuously strengthen as the owner's capacity increases," his uncle said.

"I'm not sure what the limit of this pouch is, but I'm certain it has not reached its end."

That is to say, maybe now the pouch can only produce small items but perhaps in the future, it might also be able to produce vegetables and herbs.

"What can it produce now? Fruits?"


Bailuo smiled. He had been hoping that the pouch could produce fruits from his previous life, and the pleasant surprise arrived so suddenly.

"This is an apple, this is an orange, this is called a peach, and this is a tomato."

With that thought, Bailuo tried imagining a radish and surprisingly, he was able to pull one out from the pouch.

"This works too?"

The fist size seems to refer to volume rather than shape.

Although the radish was longer, its folded volume did not exceed a fist.

Right, there was also the very crucial potato.

Potatoes are tubers, not seeds, but the pouch seemed to think that it did not exceed fist-size, so it could also come out.

Indeed, potatoes fell out as well.

"Let's try these."

Unfortunately, Bailuo failed to produce several crops he imagined.

"So, how do you make the judgment?"

He could produce potatoes but not ginseng, could produce onions but not broccoli.

"Does it need to evolve again to produce those things?"

"How many times can a miracle evolve, uncle?"

"I don't know."

HIS uncle had a fair understanding of miracles but was not omniscient.

Miracles were too mysterious; everything depended on Bailuo's own exploration. His uncle could only provide a rough direction.

"Now that we have ample supplies, it is time to organize our people."

His uncle said, "I plan to select some children from our tribe to teach them combat skills."

"They might not be able to form combat strength immediately, but at the very least, they would have the ability to protect themselves on this journey."


Bailuo agreed with his uncle's suggestion, saying, "Are you planning concentrated training?"

"Swordsmanship will be taught by Feiya,"

Senior Sister's swordsmanship, deeply influenced by Uncle, was extremely strong. Moreover, she was skilled at instructing others, making her a suitable teacher.

"For martial techniques, let Nors teach."

Nors was the eldest son of the White Eagle Family. He excelled at spear and pike, and long spears, as well as pikes, were crucial weapons on the battlefield.

"For archery, Jiera and John, and the children of the Lu Lin Family will train."

The Lulin Family has been serving as the Bulin People among the Yatun Clan for over a hundred years. Their archery skills are remarkable, although not quite on par with Senior Sister and Bailuo, they are not far behind.

"For the axe throwing, I'll teach it myself."

There are a total of 80 people from the People of Yatun, with only about 10 teenagers.

Those who are older number five or six, and adding a few women in their thirties or forties, there are around 40 children left.

This is the current population distribution of the entire Yatun Clan.

They are Bailuo's proteges, and he feels heartache for each loss, which means Uncle has no choice but to treat them with great caution.

"Fortunately, in another five or six years, the children in the village will have mostly grown into teenagers, and by then, we'll have people ready for use."

Compared to outsiders, Bailuo naturally trusts the People of Yatun more, of course.

Therefore, Bailuo's requirement for them is to hope that they can become part of the management, leaders in the future, and this requires not only that they possess great strength themselves but also that they learn to read and write, to improve their professional knowledge.

And this is precisely the current shortcoming of the Yatun Clan.

In the past, when there wasn't even enough food to eat, how many had the luxury to study?

"In terms of literacy, we don't need to aim too high, just the ability to write our language will do."

Uncle clearly has his own plan, and after discussing with Bailuo, on one hand, he agrees, and on the other, he feels there is plenty of time for them to slowly figure things out.

"Alright, I'll leave this task to Brother Shan, he knows the ropes."

Elder Shan used to be an adventurer, having travelled far and wide, visiting many places, and acquiring extraordinary experiences. He's the only scholar Bailuo can utilize for now.

The current count of the people, their daily routines, and the distribution of food – almost all of it is handled by Elder Shan.

Uncle has a lot to study, but Elder Mountain Grandpa's love and emphasis on the Yatun Clan is no less than Uncle's.

Additionally, being already seventy years old, he hopes to contribute the last bits of his energy and passion for the Yatun during the remainder of his time.

"Elder Mountain Grandpa is also getting on in years, Uncle, make sure he gets plenty of rest."

After relaying these instructions, Bailuo stepped out of the house and went straight to Sherri's stable.

This had become Bailuo's routine these days, visiting every day to check on Sherri's leg injury and to regularly change the dressing.

As for this, Uncle guessed Bailuo's purpose in doing so.

But he didn't think that Sherri was any kind of miracle.

He only thought that after receiving a Miracle Object, Bailuo had developed such a habit, wanting to try his luck at every unique occurrence.

Uncle found this unremarkable.

Only when Bailuo failed a few more times would he understand that miracles are not so easy to come by.

To obtain one was as difficult as reaching the heavens, let alone two...

Even Uncle had never heard of a Master of Miracles who possessed two Miracle Objects.



Seeing Bailuo, Sherri was overjoyed.

Because of the Miracle Contract, Sherri was already aware of her relationship with Bailuo.

He was her master, to whom she owed all service and protection and for whom she would fight as a king.

"Ah, very good, very good."

Bailuo stroked Sherri's fur and then took out a crisp carrot from the Initial Holy Pouch, "Here, have something new today."


After a bite of the carrot, the crisp texture made Sherri's eyes light up: Delicious!!

The freshness, coupled with a hint of fragrance and sweetness, delighted Sherri, who had tasted many delicacies these days and responded with joyous cries.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?"

Bailuo patted Sherri's head, "Step back a bit, I'll fill up the trough for you."

Saying so, Bailuo poured ten pounds of carrots into the feeding trough as a treat for Sherri, "If you want more, just call me, I might not have much of anything else, but when it comes to food, there's plenty."


Sherri had been living in Bailuo's care for almost a week, and she had completely fallen for this place, for Bailuo.

And now, she felt her injury had mostly healed.

Even though Bailuo pampered her, still insisting she rest, as a horse, how could Sherri not yearn to run freely across the open land?

"Hiss! Hiss!"

Thus, Sherri neighed a few times. She did not take the initiative to jump over the trough, for Bailuo was her master.

Sherri could not disregard Bailuo's wishes and run amok.

She wanted to be a sensible girl, obedient and gentle.

Of course, only in front of Bailuo.

To anyone else, not deemed by her as her rightful master, even touching her might provoke her anger.

"Do you want to come out?"


Realizing that her master understood her, Sherri was even happier.

So, Bailuo led Sherri out of the stable. He didn't use a halter.

For Bailuo felt that Sherri was a Miracle Creature, not an ordinary horse; she was more like his companion, a friend, not livestock.

If Sherri ran away, never to return,

Bailuo wouldn't blame her. He'd only think it was his own problem.

He hadn't been able to complete the task in the Black Leather Book, so he missed the miracle; it had nothing to do with Sherri.


However, Sherri did not disappoint Bailuo; she stood there, actually hoping that Bailuo would ride her.

"May I?"

Bailuo certainly knew what Sherri wanted, but he remembered the text in the Black Leather Book; Sherri didn't like being ridden by others.


That was before, and now, Bailuo was Sherri's acknowledged master, her only master.

If there was anyone in the world qualified to ride her, it had to be Bailuo.

Only her king had the right to mount her, to drive her.

"Alright then."

Without any fuss, Bailuo mounted up, his movements agile and effortless: "The forest lies to the south, and if we head east, there's a sea of flowers, where you can surely enjoy yourself to the fullest."