Chapter 24 Inya, you silly

The next morning, Uncle waited with everyone at the entrance of the village, to welcome the heroes home.

"They're back!"

Upon seeing Bai Luo and the others return, the children were overjoyed, with Abadun running the fastest: "Wow, so many things! Brother Bai Luo, Brother Nors, are these spoils of war?"

"Yes, we've taken our revenge."

Bai Luo smiled at Abadun, "From today onward, the people of Yatun will never be humiliated again."

Hearing Bai Luo's words, the people of Yatun wept for joy.

"Long live Lord Bai Luo!"

"Long live Yatun!!"

For the first time in ten years, the people of Yatun could hold their heads high, as their long-suppressed emotions were finally released.

Unfortunately, now was not the time for celebration.

Uncle interrupted the joyous mood, indicating that the victory feast would have to wait until they reached the overseas islands.

Bai Luo understood the stakes and accepted Uncle's suggestion.

"By the way,"