Chapter 36 Meow Meow Meow (Seeking Recommendations)

"Get ready to haul in the nets!"

The next morning, Bailuo and the others, led by Uncle, used fishing nets to catch the delicious bounty of the sea.

Certainly, with pockets on hand, they were not short on food, but upon arriving at the island, they immediately had to start a planting plan, so the more seeds, the better.

Everyone was of the same mind and suggested living off the water by directly catching fish.

As for freshwater, there was already some on the ship, and the People of Yatun had also brought along some liquor and waterskins.

Moreover, since Bailuo's pockets could produce fruits and there were many empty barrels on board, finding water from the islands along the way or from the heavens above was not a big issue.

Thus, the only one of the three ships with a fishing function, the medium-sized vessel, began its work.

The large ship was more military-use, and another medium ship was a civilian passenger ship, leaving only the third with the fishing function.