Chapter 59: The Nations (Seeking Recommendations)

"How is it going?"

After the ritual had ended, Bailuo asked everyone to leave and then sought out his uncle and senior apprentice-sister.

"The method was correct, but the offering was wrong," Bailuo said. "We used the wrong thing for the ritual."

"Wasn't it supposed to be grain or some sort of cereal?"

The senior apprentice-sister said, "Then, shall we go and fetch some precious animals instead?"

"If we want to conduct another ritual, we have to wait a month."

Bailuo hadn't expected a penalty for failure, but after some thought, he found this to be not such a bad thing, as it would give him an opportunity to attend to his own affairs.

"This is perfect!"

The uncle said, "Now that we have the time, it's time to add to our population."

Population, that was something the People of Yatun were in dire need of.

With more people, more Children of Miracle could be born.