220. Subsonic Weapon Disadvantages

"Bearing 14, deviation 39, fire!"

The "Zhiyuan" shielded their flagship, the "Dingyuan," taking all the attacks while also constantly retaliating.

At that moment, Yu Yanmei stood on the trembling deck, with various calibers of cannonballs constantly flying past her.

These were all naval artillery shells, even the lightest weighing nearly a hundred kilograms.

Compared to naval guns, army artillery was like comparing fingers to bananas in size, not to mention the power difference.

The crew, including Captain Deng, were all soaked with seawater, and these shells, plunging into the sea, would raise waves tens of meters high.

Some were struck by cannonballs while walking and burst into a mist of blood; others exploded on the deck, the violent shockwaves reducing countless parts and bodies to indistinguishable fragments.