"Our ancestors once said that our homeland was weak, and staying there for too long would not benefit all living beings. Thus, they led our people on a long migration, enduring untold hardships to reach the Xuanhuang Realm."
Qin Yingying's crisp and sweet voice narrated:
"The great cultivators of the Xuanhuang Realm appeared warm and friendly on the surface, lulling our ancestors into complacency. But in secret, they banded together to commit disgraceful acts!"
"They conspired to deceive our ancestor under the guise of a banquet and ambushed and murdered him at the Core of the Earth!"
The more Qin Yingying spoke, the more her teeth clenched in anger and indignation.
Lu Yao sighed and asked, "Was your family's ancestor the only one who came to the Xuanhuang Realm?"
Qin Yingying focused her thoughts and was about to reply when Qin Yuqing suddenly interjected: