Chapter 719: The Fox-Radish in the Snow

The first ball game ended, and it was the Poet Team, with better coordination, that won the match.

Win or lose, everyone seemed full of zest, and their conversations grew much louder, a far cry from their previous sullenness without visitors, marking a complete turnaround in spirits.

The goal of ensuring the parrots enjoyed themselves was achieved.

The online viewers were also charmed by the parrots' vigor, feeling much more relaxed.

After receiving their food rewards, Jinzhi and the others couldn't wait to fly back to the field, ready for another round.

This time the team members were shuffled.

After several games, both teams had their share of wins and losses.

After the strenuous athletic competition, they seemed a bit tired.

Fang Ye said to Jin Martin and the others, "Take a break if you're tired, I'll leave the ball court here for you, play whenever you want."