During the following period, Sun Dasheng and Sun Yuanxiao put on a daily drama of chase and escape.
This state lasted for more than ten days, and Sun Yuanxiao began to go into heat as well!
Although she didn't like Sun Dasheng at first, driven by the instinct to breed, she made the move to pursue him in return.
The mating season for male Pallas's cats can last for about 40 days, while the females' heat is very brief, lasting just a few days.
A man chasing a woman is like crossing mountains, but a woman chasing a man is like passing through a layer of gauze—this applies to animals too.
With Sun Yuanxiao's reversed pursuit, the two Pallas's cats mated that very day.
The next day, Sun Yuanxiao became even more proactive, and on the third day, things got even more intense.
But once the heat was over, Sun Yuanxiao immediately stopped wanting to deal with Sun Dasheng and would run up the tree to hide whenever pursued.