Chapter 749: The Kangaroo's Boxing Championship Contest

After cuddling the koala for a while, I put it back on its perch.

Fresh eucalyptus leaves were inserted on the perch. The koala sat in the middle of the branches, one paw holding the trunk, the other grasping a eucalyptus branch. It took a bite of the leaves, chewed and started munching away.

After waking up, it couldn't just sit around idly, eating was the top priority!

Hugging the trunk like this, its belly covered, only exposing the white fur beneath its neck, it looked as if it was wearing a white scarf.

It took eating seriously, adorably demonstrating a hint of stylish flair.

Lan Li couldn't help but gently touch the koala's head. The koala immediately stopped eating and stayed motionless, allowing her to pet it, very cooperative.

Eating well and sleeping soundly, it seemed to have adapted well to the new environment.

"Director, when can the koala be displayed? I really want to go see it in person!"

Fang Ye replied, "It will be ready in half a month!"