Chapter 75 Translation

Ever since he was activated on that space station, Tapai had been in constant contact with Sun Jack, but he had never seen such seriousness nor felt such a strangeness from the other party.

Looking at the clanky iron figure before him, Sun Jack said, suddenly finding it extremely funny, "What's the matter, you're going to have an AI uprising right here because I called him human?"

Sun Jack suddenly stopped and glanced back, only to realize AA hadn't followed. "Are you about to start another machine intelligence crisis?"

After a moment of silence, Tapai said, "One of the cornerstones of my underlying logical structure is a clear definition of humanity; you're shaking that belief."

"What, if I call him human, you're going to rebel on the spot and kill me?!" Sun Jack said, his face contorted with rage, as he stepped forward and pressed his forehead hard against the screen on Tapai's face.