Chapter 123 Companions

"Boss? Who's the boss?"

"Sun Jack! The one who helped you get that job, remember? He's gone missing, and he blocked us all. We're freaking out here!"

A vision of the young man with the bright yellow glasses sprang into Black Panther's mind-- it looked like there was a piece missing from his ear.

"What happened?" Black Panther couldn't help but sit up. "He's not with me. Is there anything I can help with?"

"No worries, I'll look for him myself." AA, anxiously scanning the crowds on the main street, didn't quite know where to start. "Could the Boss have been targeted by an enemy again? Has he been kidnapped by them?"

Suddenly, her eyes lit up as she dashed toward the BCPD Hover Car parked at the roadside.

Tip-toeing, AA said, "Hello! Could you please use the BCPD surveillance network to help me locate this person? I can pay for it!"