Chapter 215 Collapse

Facing the exposure of Sun Jack's identity, the others clearly weren't very interested.

"Forced out of desperation, 'Rat Alliance Battle Line'? Never heard of it – a gang?"

Three Legs said, "Not a gang, just a bunch of lunatics. They want to topple capitalism and liberate all of humanity."

In the entire city, people could fly 2151wik commented, "Seems vaguely familiar, but I can't really remember. Metropolis has no shortage of crazies, after all."

Three Legs retorted, "Don't say that. It was their struggle that led to a 5% salary increase that year, although the cost of living also rose by 30%."

As the words left his mouth, an explosion sounded in the distance. A half-bodied Cyber Lunatic, eyes glowing red, climbed rapidly through the dark buildings.

But everyone had grown accustomed to such sights and kept their vehicles far away from the being. After all, with the financial crisis, anything out of the ordinary had become normal.