Chapter 261: Rescue

Sun Jack saw the old black man before him wearing a pair of transparent goggles, with salt-and-pepper curly hair on his head, and a slightly hunched figure.

His facial features were full, with a straight nose and distinct lips, his skin color was that of chocolate, indicating some kind of mixed heritage, with various tool tattoos on his neck and left face, and both hands replaced with prosthetic limbs.

Looking at the transformed face of Sun Jack, he immediately started to pitch himself non-stop.

"I'm not just a physical engineer; I'm also an AI engineer. I'm skilled in algorithm development, model training, model deployment, and of course, if your company needs to maintain large models or needs to increase floating points, I'm equally capable."

"Of course, I won't neglect my main responsibilities. As you can probably tell from my age, my slots are always filled with the latest technology chips. I'm definitely not behind the times."