Chapter 36: Beheading with a Single Stroke

Boggy looked up at the three Flesh-Crested Hook-Beaked Vultures in the sky, then released his psychic power.

Using the blood left by the Grey-Spotted Cheetah on the ground, he created seven thumb-sized blood shields.

Four of the blood shields were positioned by his side, while the other three covered the pile of viscera behind him.

Soon, one of the Flesh-Crested Hook-Beaked Vultures couldn't resist the temptation and swooped down from the sky.

It would eat anything, but it had a clear preference for carrion, so its first target was still the pile of viscera on the ground.

It was met with a mechanical spear instead. Sensing danger at the last moment, the Flesh-Crested Hook-Beaked Vulture abandoned its hunt and flapped its wings to dodge the attack.

With only a 12% speed boost on him, Boggy's movements weren't much faster than the Flesh-Crested Hook-Beaked Vulture, and the latter's wings made its evasion even more flexible.