Chapter 42: Breaking Ten Thousand

At first, Ma Lu needed assistance from Old Wang now and then, but as time passed, his movements became increasingly fluid.

He didn't need to think—the actions came instinctively, knowing what to do next.

Old Wang, too, could focus on handling the meat patties, which took their serving speed to the next level, reducing the average cooking time for a burger to 18 seconds.

From 11:50 to 12:40, in just 50 minutes, The Universe's Number One Snack Stall sold a total of 137 burgers.

And after the lunch rush, when the flow of customers predictably decreased even more noticeably than before, they still managed to sell another 80 burgers by 5 p.m.

Although burgers don't count as snacks, as word of mouth fermented once again, some girls would buy one together in groups of two or three, sharing it as an afternoon tea snack—which not only prevented it from being too filling but also brought down the cost per person, making it less expensive.