Chapter 65 Spiked Whip Spider Queen

Jinjian observed the expressions on the faces of the Twin Sunflower Hunting Group members and proposed a new deal.

"Here's the deal, I can help you find the secret treasure and even let you have it. I can also help you resolve your conflict with Black Horn. But this is under one condition, you must spare me. I can only do these things while I'm alive."

Boggy seemed to want to say something, but Ma Lu cut in before her, "I think that's acceptable."

"Oh, you must be the mysterious deputy leader of the Twin Sunflower Hunting Group," Jinjian said. "We are both deputy leaders, it seems we have quite a bit in common, but no offense, I would like to know how much weight your words carry within your hunting group."

"His opinion is my opinion," Boggy replied.

"The deputy leader saved my life. I will always support him," Seta immediately stated.

"I do as well," Sadie chimed in.

"I've always been a cheerleader for both the leader and the deputy," Mai Mai said with a hand on her hip.