Chapter 70 Visit

17:05, Ma Lu sold the last pack of Queen's Crisps and went home with Old Wang after closing up shop.

Because he had upgraded the Traveler's Bracelet by two levels, the hunting trip took two hours longer than usual, and he didn't get home until almost 7 a.m.

Therefore, setting up their stall was pushed back accordingly, and they didn't head out until the afternoon—preparing only 800 portions.

At the end of the day, they took in a total of 14,400 yuan, with costs amounting to 415.8 yuan, leaving a profit of 13,984.2 yuan—it was truly a sizable daily income.

Once they increased their stock in the future, that number was expected to rise significantly.

Ma Lu felt that at this rate, it wouldn't be long before he could start looking at cars.

But it wasn't enough. Ma Lu admitted to himself that he was a very vulgar person, filled with all kinds of worldly desires.