Chapter 75: Gate Number 3

The motorcycle blazed across the desert.

As expected, there were far more wild beasts along the way than usual, and their aggressiveness had clearly increased; fortunately, most of them couldn't keep up with the motorcycle and were shaken off before long.

Sadie's psychic power was particularly useful at a time like this.

Apart from Mai Mai's one-time deals and Ma Lu's mediocre marksmanship, her Thorns attack was currently the most reliable long-range attack method the team could count on, ready to be unleashed at any moment.

With her taking care of the faster beasts that got too close, the squad didn't need to stop, avoiding being surrounded.

After nearly six and a half hours of arduous travel, the Giant Curtain finally reappeared before their eyes.

The towering, solid concrete city walls stood under the sun, offering a reassuring sense of security.

However, after traveling a bit further, Boggy at the forefront suddenly slowed down.

"What's wrong?"

"Gate 3 is shut."