Chapter 78: Don't Look at the Sun

"Choosing blessings was actually something Ma Lu couldn't afford to scrutinize in detail, especially after purchasing 'Troubles of Happiness' which turned the original three options into four, making it even more dazzling to the eye."

"In the end, it was because he received too many blessings at once. Ma Lu could only follow the principle of choosing wherever the color looked brighter, and if they were the same, then prioritize attributes, haphazardly pressing away."

"This way of choosing would definitely cause him to miss out on some high-quality blessings, but it was still better than wasting the opportunity to choose."

"The 60 seconds quickly passed, and the members of the Twin Sunflower Hunting Group gained an additional 8 purple, 42 blue, and 29 white blessings."

"Adding those to the two Three-humped Wolf Camels they had killed earlier, along with the beasts Sadie had taken care of along the way, the total number of blessings had already surpassed a hundred."