Chapter 298 Heat Explosion!

In the original traditional mode, players would normally learn all skills, and once learned, skills couldn't be forgotten.

Moreover, most Dark Series spells are single-target damage spells, so even if this Talent were triggered, it wouldn't create any particularly abnormal reactions.

But in this brand-new mode, players can freely forget skills.

That is, they can forget all the less useful skills and keep only those powerful core damage-dealing abilities to increase the benefits when this Talent triggers!

Even worse, whether due to lazy programmers, a bug in the code, or some other reason, this Dark Series Talent could also be triggered by certain Element Series spells!

Take "Split Lightning," for example.

It's a powerful Area of Effect damage-dealing Skill that can deal extensive chain spell damage to targets in front of the player.

Its cooldown isn't very long, just 6 seconds, and it deals multiple hits of damage to each target.