Chapter 6 How Easy to Add Favorability!


When Wu Tianyou and Chen Nuanhan walked through the school gate, they were immediately approached by two senior girls and a senior boy, each one more enthusiastic than the last.

"Junior sister, which major are you in? I'll take you to the registration point!"

"Junior brother, let me help you with your luggage!"

Chen Nuanhan gently tucked a stray hair behind her ear and replied graciously, "Thank you, but we're all freshmen from the School of Management. No trouble at all. Just point us in the right direction, please."

As soon as Chen Nuanhan played her hair-flipping trump card, the senior boy almost drooled, entering a frenzied state that was impossible to calm.

"How can that be? As a member of the student council, it's my responsibility..."

Yadda yadda yadda...

The two senior girls behind rolled their eyes dramatically, looking quite disdainful.

And rightly so, who doesn't know who among these old flirts?

If you're lusting, just be open about it!

In fact, Chen Nuanhan didn't mind this kind of thing at all, but she still turned her head to look at Wu Tianyou and Su Huai, as if asking for their opinions.

Because of her look, Wu Tianyou melted completely and hastily said, "You decide, I'm good with anything!"

Then, quite sternly, he declined the senior girls, "We were high school classmates, senior sisters, so we won't trouble you."

The senior girls, frustrated, rolled their eyes and left.

It's not often you come across a cute guy, but this one's too meek, like a dog with its tail between its legs, no chance at all!

Trailing behind, Su Huai secretly reveled in the scene, clicking her tongue in amazement.

Wow, she really knows how to play the game...

Having lived it all before, Su Huai's perception of Chen Nuanhan's actions was now different.

You couldn't say it was overly scheming,

but the girl's trickeries were like an old sow wearing a brassiere—layer upon layer of them, and with her killer looks on top, who could withstand that?

Why was Su Huai so sure those were trickeries?

Because Chen Nuanhan was a rather assertive woman who never needed to consult anyone on such trivial matters.

So, when she would relinquish decision-making power, it meant she was deliberately trying to give you a sense of inclusion.

What's the difference between this and "Brother, I can't open this bottle, help me out"?

No fundamental difference, just on a higher level.

Su Huai watched silently as Wu Tianyou became energized, following them inconspicuously, perfectly playing the role of the unseen.

Now wasn't the time to make a move.

The main difference between adults and young people is being able to stay composed—rushing headlong is certainly not the way to go. It's uncomfortable for her, and you'd lose energy in no time, a flash in the pan, then a rapid decline. Our ancestors' wisdom has long told us how to handle such situations.

Just wait, no hurry, just wait a bit more...

And so, the group of four, three in the front and one behind, made their way toward the School of Management's registration point.

Like Chen Nuanhan, Wu Tianyou and Su Huai were also freshmen at the School of Management; his major was Big Data Management and Applications.

The poor kid had chosen a sub-par major, not even as promising as their e-commerce. The Big Data Management major had just been established that year, and the curriculum and textbooks hadn't been sorted out properly yet—it was merely a trendy endeavor.

The concept of big data had become red-hot over the past couple of years, after all.

Wu Tianyou had no other choice, given his grades, if he wanted to get into Capital Normal University.

But he was very prideful, boasting to Chen Nuanhan, Su Huai, and the senior along the way, "Honestly, I don't care what I study. If I can't become a civil servant, I'll just start my own business; if that fails, I'll take over the family business. Even my worst-case scenario isn't so bad, right?"

Oh sure, that seems good enough.

Su Huai didn't take him seriously, but that sure struck a nerve with the senior boy, who asked cautiously, "Wu, what does your family do?"

"Ah, nothing much!"


Wu Tianyou waved his hand dismissively, "Just two small factories, the annual turnover just reached 5 billion, my dad is as rustic as a township entrepreneur, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

The senior's momentum visibly deflated, feeling a bit unable to hold on.

He had known that competing to woo a junior girl would be tough, but he didn't expect his first opponent to be so competitive...

Chen Nuanhan also didn't expect Wu Tianyou's family to be this wealthy, yet she remained unimpressed and returned with a half-smile, "Oh, no wonder Mr. Wu is so fond of bullying others—turns out he actually has the clout, huh?"

"Eh? When have I ever bullied anyone?"

Wu Tianyou, clearly not convinced, but Chen Nuanhan jokingly countered, "Just now. What was that attitude towards Su Huai?"

Instantly, Wu Tianyou went from being a young master to a fawning lackey, defensively arguing, "That… does that count as bullying? Old Su, I was just a bit mouthy, I didn't really do anything to you, right?"

Su Huai's mind was crystal clear.

Chen Nuanhan was taking the opportunity to stand up for him to knock Wu Tianyou down a peg.

Killing two birds with one stone, reining in two with one move – her methods were truly high-leveled, far surpassing those of her age group.

If he were still the naive kid he once was, wouldn't he be gratefully throwing himself at her feet?

Too bad, there's no going back!

"Right, Mr. Wu rarely bullies classmates," Su Huai said nodding solemnly, speaking a fair word, "Though when it comes to getting hit, he's usually involved..."


Chen Nuanhan burst out laughing, mainly because of Su Huai's earnest demeanor, which was so starkly contrasted.

"Really? Looking all tall and strong like that, and yet so unskilled?"

"Nonsense!" Wu Tianyou became frantic, jumping up and down, "I'm all about good Favorability at school, who dares to touch me? Plus, I'm good at all eight sports events, alright?"

"Forgot about that group fight in sophomore year?"

Su Huai mercilessly exposed him, settling scores before the day was over.

"Sophomores against freshmen, thirteen on seven, even the four-eyed ones scored, while you kept getting kicked back and forth! And wasn't it you who started that mess?"

Wu Tianyou's face turned red as he kept repeating some roundabout excuses about infiltrating enemy ranks and getting blindsided, innocent of war crimes and all that, while Chen Nuanhan's silvery laughter filled the air.

In small cities in the Northeast, middle and high school scuffles would still pop up even after 2020, and few people made a big deal out of it.

Girls especially didn't see the occasional fight as a serious fault or a sign of violent tendencies, because in the Northeast, it's commonly women who beat men, and they didn't lack a sense of security in that respect.

As long as they stopped the random brawling upon reaching university, they would not be seen as impulsive or immature, which is quite different from the South.

By bringing this up, Su Huai aimed to plant a seed in Chen Nuanhan's mind— that he's not flashy, but more reliable than Wu Tianyou when push comes to shove.

In the original timeline, Chen Nuanhan took a long time before finally confirming this about Su Huai.

Now, Su Huai planned on speeding up that realization.

This girl came from a more than decent family background, so she wasn't a gold digger, at least not for the pocket money of those rich second-generation kids. If he wanted her to reciprocate his feelings, he would need to create a demand from many aspects.

Su Huai wasn't in a rush; he casually dropped one piece at a time.

Having been reborn, the wealthiest post-95s and the top 100 post-05 beauties were bound to be his, so why the hurry?

As for why post-05...

It's related to the ultimate dream of men.

At 30, liking 18-year-old girls, and at 40, 50, still the same, a champion of clinging to the initial vision, forever young at heart.

In essence, Su Huai never took Chen Nuanhan all that seriously to begin with. Despite her high level, could she really close the decade-plus gap in life experience?

So, he was very relaxed, not saying much, but when he did speak, he struck home, making her laugh several times.

Thus, as they had just arrived at the School of Management's registration point, the system pinged.

Chen Nuanhan's Favorability Rating reached 20.