Chapter 8 What? You're not licking me anymore?!


Chen Nuanhan was too shocked, instinctively asking questions, even though the relationship between the two wasn't close to that degree.

"You don't want to be with me… No, I mean, why do you suddenly want to change majors?"

She suspected it was because of her, but couldn't find a reason for Su Huai to do so.

She didn't care about losing a bootlicker, but she couldn't accept this sort of betrayal at the last minute.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, I'm no longer your first choice?!

One second Chen Nuanhan was still immersed in her little pleasure from self-satisfaction, and the next she plunged into shock and confusion. With her emotions swinging so drastically, she became anxious and, uncharacteristically, talkative.

"Su Huai, although our major is not the best, I saw in the recruitment brochure that our major has quite a few educational achievements and awards each year, it's not that bad, right? Big Data is a new major, the entry score is much lower than E-commerce, maybe the standard is… Why would you voluntarily become a guinea pig?"

Of course, it was because of Mr. Tongzi, who forced him to strive hard.

E-commerce and Big Data fundamentally had no difference; they were both those kinds of crappy majors where it's difficult to find a decent job.

However, Su Huai didn't care about academic qualifications at all. As long as he could perfectly utilize the effects of his cheat, he would be okay even studying archaeology.

Therefore, without a better choice, Su Huai should indeed continue keeping company with Chen Nuanhan.

A tool person, naturally, the closer, the better.

To use thoroughly and then wave goodbye, as a way to thank the other person for their fierce killing in a past life.

But the problem was… Su Huai really had a better choice.

This year, the Big Data major would have a special new student who, after the military training, suddenly transferred in, dazzling many bulls, horses, dogs, sheep, and even time itself, and became the most legendary goddess in the history of Capital Normal University after fifteen years.

Gu Jiuyue.

Fifteen years later, she took over an investment fund named Shichu G1. Though hardly known to the public, it held stocks in many of the domestic AI companies.

Additionally, on December 1, 2017, ByteDance received strategic investment, but the specific amount and investor were not disclosed.

In 2025, Shichu Fund first appeared publicly on ByteDance's shareholder list.

In 2031, at 34, Gu Jiuyue became the chairperson of Shichu Fund, and it was much later that her classmates following her realized that Shichu was a CVC agency that did not fundraise from outsiders.

In other words, it was her family's enterprise, and the capital came from the group platform of the parent company.

Just how rich was Gu Jiuyue?

That was always a mystery.

But from the moment she made her first public appearance, titles like "Investment Goddess," "AI Queen," and "The First Ever White and Wealthy Beauty of History" never left her.

Until Su Huai was reborn, she remained unmarried, like a resplendent pearl hanging at the pinnacle of men's dreams, radiating a dazzling yet distant light.

Speaking honestly, Su Huai had never once thought about her.

Not even in his dreams.

Maybe he was too aware of his limitations, which is why he didn't even dare to be wilful in his dreams.

But now…

When Su Huai realized he needed two other top-tier bootlicking tool persons, her name was the first that came to mind.

If Chen Nuanhan's 20-point favorability gold award could be a top-tier skin talent, then what about Gu Jiuyue, who was even more beautiful, superior in every aspect, and a top-notch wealthy woman? Once hitting the gold award with her, what sort of rewards would burst forth?

Come on, say it loudly with me: Get rich overnight!

Su Huai had no illusions that he could easily score a 90-point favorability with her. In the decades to come, countless true chosen ones would pursue Gu Jiuyue. It was rumored even Old Ma wanted Gu Jiuyue as his daughter-in-law. If she were that easy to win over, how could she possibly remain single into her thirties?

Too high a favorability was difficult, but as a classmate, and precisely at her most innocent age, a 60-point chance should be there, right?

Let the dog engage in romance, let the warm man cherish the goddess, I just want the rewards!

Thinking thus, Su Huai was determined to transfer to the Big Data Applications major.

Just one class, four years of close interaction in college, little Gu, wait and see whether I explode your gold coins or not!

With enthusiasm fully charged and a solemn vow, Su Huai was actually thinking about another woman, yet when he answered Chen Nuanhan's question, he did so with such righteousness and dignity.

"Actually, both majors aren't that great, and since that's the case, why not embrace the future?"

Su Huai stared into her eyes, sincere and confident.

"E-commerce has passed its peak, and what follows is a downhill path, while Big Data management is rising like the morning sun, sure to smoothly surpass the data collection phase in a few years. I can't see too far into the future, but just considering four years from now, I believe I won't regret my decision today. What do you think?"

He really... I'm going to cry!

Even in the end, he didn't forget to use "What do you think?" to give Chen Nuanhan a sense of participation. Where on earth do they make such mature and warm-hearted older brothers?

Chen Nuanhan was clever, but limited by her age, she actually hadn't seriously considered the future yet.

The novelty of college life, sweet romance, all sorts of interesting people and events—these were Chen Nuanhan's current focal points of anticipation.

That's why she simply didn't believe Su Huai's reasons and found herself agitated by his "What do you think?"

"I don't believe it!"

Doubts blurted out as she made a wishful judgment based on emotion, "Do you regret applying to study e-commerce with me?!"

I'm really going to laugh to death!

When I licked your boots, you took it for granted, at your beck and call, and now that I'm about to slip away, you're upset?

Su Huai was full of mockery inside, but on the surface, he remained calm and composed.

"Believe it or not, I didn't apply for e-commerce because of you. I truly believe in the potential of e-commerce, and my decision to switch majors wasn't a whim. I did a lot of thinking and learning over the summer and realized the potential of the big data field."

He paused for a moment, facing Chen Nuanhan's stunned gaze, and delivered the final blow.

"Chen Nuanhan, I indeed hesitate to contact you, but it's not because I like you, it's because I'm inherently shy and bashful. You're too beautiful, and I don't know how to interact with you, but I really just see you as a classmate. If I made you misunderstand at any point before, I'm sorry; I apologize..."

Chen Nuanhan was completely dumbfounded.

Standing there dazed, her pride and confidence were punctured by the dog man's deceptive words.

Could it be that everything before was just a delusion?


But the Su Huai right now didn't seem to be lying; he was too calm and sincere.

So... it turns out... I've been deluding myself all along?!

This possibility shattered Chen Nuanhan's defenses. She didn't care about Su Huai's affection, but she couldn't accept his indifference.

As everyone knows, those with princess syndrome are creatures that care the most about saving face.

So she suddenly turned cold, adopting an aloof demeanor as a defensive mechanism.

"No, there is no misunderstanding. Your thoughts are good; I wish you success."

As if Su Huai didn't notice, he smiled lightly, "Thank you. Then I'll head up now... Why don't you go back to the dorm and settle in? There's no need to wait for me."

If he hadn't mentioned it, Chen Nuanhan might have actually left Wu Tianyou waiting here and gone her own way.

But now that Su Huai had spoken, her stubbornness kicked in.

"No need, I promised to wait for you guys. Go ahead, I am also curious to see if you can succeed."


Su Huai really didn't insist anymore, nodding lightly before turning and heading towards the administration building.

Seeing this, Chen Nuanhan's favorability rating crashed down dramatically, plummeting directly to just over 10. Although this didn't affect the rewards already in hand, it was evident that Su Huai had really pissed her off.

However, when Su Huai saw the system prompt, not only was he not anxious, but he actually felt like laughing.

This was an extra benefit of switching to the big data major—increasing the distance between himself and Chen Nuanhan.

Chen Nuanhan was a typical princess syndrome case, having basked in unchecked glory alone in a small city for too long, which made her particularly self-centered, taking herself too seriously.

Too close for comfort, too far to hold a grudge—that was the best description for her.

Su Huai wanted the rewards she had on her, but didn't want to debase himself; thus, he should really be switching up his approach.

I'll keep my distance from you, hang out more with Gu Jiuyue, show my own worth, and then see who's on top... ahem, then who holds the initiative?

The system never required Su Huai to be a bootlicker. "Eat tough, freeload clearly"—the hints could not have been more obvious.

Being a bootlicker has no future; being licked is pleasant.

As for how to stimulate the goddesses' enthusiasm, that's a technique.

The original Su Huai only had experience and a host of vague theories, but now, thanks to the 40 points of pulling contributed by Chen Nuanhan, he was becoming increasingly adept.

The tragedy of his past life would definitely not be repeated.

Su Huai's life was starting to move in a marvelous new direction...