Chapter 10 The Big Data Specialty Now Has a Leading Figure!

Su Huai pushed open the door and stood at the threshold, first making a respectful bow.

"Director Zhang, hello, I'm a new student at our School of Management this year, my name is Su Huai, and there's a matter for which I need to request your approval."

He spoke concisely, getting straight to the point, open and honest, neither servile nor overbearing.

Zhang Yaowen raised his head, his gaze gentle, yet tinged with a bit of curiosity.


He scrutinized Su Huai, but didn't put on airs of a director, instead swiftly gesturing with his hand: "Alright, come in and talk."

"Yes, thank you!"

Su Huai closed the door behind him and strode over to Zhang Yaowen's desk, standing upright naturally, his back straight.

Zhang Yaowen pushed his glasses up and half-raised his head: "What's the matter? This year, I'm only in charge of the work of two majors under the Information Department, which major are you from?"

Su Huai wasted no words and went straight to his purpose.

"I'm a new student in the e-commerce major, but I prefer big data management, and I'd like to transfer to this esteemed major for my studies, hoping to get your approval."


Zhang Yaowen 'oh'-ed again, his tone rising slightly, his interest piqued as he asked, "Are you sure it's because you like it? Why do you like it?"


Su Huai's voice rang out powerfully, full of conviction.

And the reason he had prepared in advance was even more impressive.

"The collection, organization, refinement, and application of data will guide all business activities in the future.

I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I don't actually enjoy dealing with data all that much, I just like success.

In The Art of War by Sun Tzu, it is said: 'The one who figures out how to win before the battle is fought has pondered his plans deeply; the one who figures out how not to win before the battle is fought has not pondered his plans deeply. Many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat; how much more no calculation at all! From this we see victory can be foretold.'

I'm planning to start my own business during my university years, and accumulating data, testing markets, and discovering entry points for business models is the strategic planning for entrepreneurship.

Those who calculate a lot win, those who are good at calculating triumph, so I'm filled with passion for the major of big data application."

"Not bad."

Zhang Yaowen revealed a broad smile, visibly invigorated and elated.

The School of Management's Information Department was a foundling picked up from the outside, no match for the legitimate eldest son, and from faculty to textbooks to student sources, it was inadequate in every respect. As the new head of the department, he too was troubled.

Su Huai's speech might not mean much to the leadership—it's something anyone could ramble on about during a meeting.

But he was just a 19-year-old freshman.

A freshman with such vision, foresight, eloquence, and perspective impressed Director Zhang greatly.

Zhang decided on the spot: this freshman was interesting; he had to be taken in!

Yet Zhang didn't rush to make his position known. Instead, he veered off on a tangent, planning to continue testing Su Huai's mettle.

"You also like reading The Art of War? Wasn't the academic pressure in high school heavy?"

"It was, there were endless problems to work through every day."

Su Huai nodded calmly and responded readily. "But a proper hobby can effectively alleviate academic stress.

I enjoy reading very much, drawing wisdom from the magnificent ancient classics of our Huaxia.

These texts often remind me to think about three things—what kind of person I want to become, what I will do in the future, and what I have prepared for it.

That's why I am standing before you today, seeking an opportunity.

I'm not certain big data will definitely be useful, but I'm sure I will engage with it enthusiastically, carrying thoughts into my studies."

What a good kid!

Director Zhang leaned back in his chair, sitting relaxed, his eyes full of appreciation.

"Very good, your thinking is quite mature!"

Classy, visionary, forward-looking, and bold, poised and confident without being timid or arrogant.

Su Huai, right?

From now on, you are the class president of the big data major!

Zhang made up his mind, then with particular emphasis, he offered his advice. "When you get to university, you should also continue such good habits. The Art of War is a top-notch crystallization of wisdom, ever fresh with every reading, something that can benefit you for a lifetime..."

Su Huai nodded earnestly, seeming extremely receptive and respectful.

But actually, his so-called love for reading was only for The Art of War.


How simple, who the hell wouldn't envy Gao Qiqiang!

Ever since "Raging" came out, Su Huai immediately followed the trend and bought a copy of The Art of War, reading it off and on at the start, but then for many years on end.

It wasn't hugely useful, but it indeed gave him a broader perspective on things.

Unfortunately, the most difficult thing in the world is to put knowledge into practice, to unite knowing and doing. In his last life, he came to his senses too late and couldn't change his mediocrity. This time around, he could put it to use, distilling some real wisdom from it.

Director Zhang talked nonstop for half a minute, which was very rare for him, showing how much he admired Su Huai.

It was only after he finished with lingering enthusiasm that Su Huai bowed and spoke briefly: "I am educated, and will strive to practice what I've learned."

Simple doesn't mean it's not good—on the contrary, he had hit the right note again!

Zhang Yaowen liked this type of straightforward, respectful, elegant yet not overly flattering demeanor, and the more he looked at Su Huai, the more he liked him.

It's really about the first impression being right, and then everything else falls into place.

No leader holds much expectation for new students, but all of Su Huai's words and actions had shattered Zhang Yaowen's highest expectations, giving him a tremendous surprise. It would be strange if he wasn't pleased.

So he asked with a pleasant expression, "Su Huai, do you know about our school's specific regulations regarding transferring majors?"

He thought Su Huai probably didn't know and was ready to explain it in detail.

To his surprise, Su Huai nodded calmly.

"I know. According to our university's student registration management regulations: students should generally complete their studies in the admitted majors, and in principle, are not allowed to change majors unless one of the following scenarios applies, in which case they can apply to transfer majors according to the relevant management provisions.

First, after enrollment, students discover a certain disease or physical defect, which is proven by a medical examination from the university's designated medical institution, and they cannot study in the original major but are still capable of studying in another major at the university;

Second, students have a strong interest in the major they wish to transfer into, and the transfer will better allow them to utilize their potential and talents;

Third, recognized by the university, students have specific exceptional difficulties that prevent them from continuing their studies without changing majors;

Fourth, based on the development and changes in societal talent demands, the university can proactively adjust the student's major with the student's consent."

Director Zhang, I may qualify for the second scenario."

When he addressed him as "Director Zhang," Zhang Yaowen smiled from ear to ear.

It had been a long time since he was involved in frontline teaching, but "the joy of teaching" is one of the three essential human natures, and he still enjoyed the feeling of being a teacher.

Of course, not everyone who called him Director Zhang could kindle such happiness within him; this joy had its thresholds.

"Your preparation is very thorough, truly in line with the principle 'plan in the temple first, the one who calculates more wins'—very good!"

Zhang Yaowen nodded repeatedly, lavishing praise on Su Huai.

From 'not bad' to 'very good,' and then from 'very good' to 'excellent,' Zhang Yaowen's impression of Su Huai jumped three levels in succession.

Then, his tone shifted once again.

"However, proceeding with the second provision can be quite troublesome. How are you going to prove to your original major that you have more potential and talent in the field of big data applications?"

Of course, I can't prove that. Otherwise, why would I come to you?

As for the application, I should have gone to the original major's academic advisor first...

Su Huai muttered in his heart but remained composed on the surface, patiently waiting for Zhang Yaowen to continue.

Seeing Su Huai's composure, Zhang grew even fonder of him and didn't beat around the bush, directly laying out the plan of action.

"Go with the fourth provision. I'll send out a notice to request people from e-commerce. You just fill in the consent for transfer form, then take it to Liu to process the paperwork. It's a matter of minutes."

See, isn't everything settled now?

Zhang Yaowen's level of attention to Su Huai was somewhat unexpected and made it clear to him his current "level."

If placed among those successful people in their 40s, I, Su, would be nothing special, just an ordinary person.

But under the age of 25, I'm unbeatable.

Su Huai hadn't truly won Zhang Yaowen over with real ability; he simply stood out among his peers.

Being reborn feels so damn good... even better than cheating.

The previous Su Huai couldn't talk nonsense without batting an eye, but reborn, it came to him naturally.

Ordinary people hesitate because a life with no prospects makes dropping their pride hardly pays off, so they'd rather live with dignity and keep their self-respect.

But given the chance to be reborn, 99% of men would quickly cast aside their pride—the stakes are different now; this is a chance to change their destiny. Who would continue to follow the rules so rigidly?!

Once he let go, Su Huai's performance became even more unbridled. He pushed his abilities to their limits without a single fault to pick on.

Placed among all the freshmen in the university, he was definitely one of the standouts.

"Director Zhang, thank you. I will make sure to achieve great results in my studies."

While Su Huai solemnly swore, he muttered to himself: I'll certainly study my major well, but don't count on me for results...

I'll definitely keep Gu Jiuyue comfortable; you can count on that.

Zhang was indeed very reassured. He specifically stood up to come around and pat Su Huai on the shoulder, chuckling, "You can't fall behind in your studies, and you have to shoulder the responsibilities in class for me!

Our Information Department doesn't have its own student council, so you go and get associated with the School of Management's student council, and from now on, you'll coordinate directly with me.

Feel any pressure?"

"Not at all."

Su Huai flashed a confident smile, "I am honored to share your worries and appreciate your mentorship and training."

"Good! That's the spirit!"

Zhang Yaowen patted Su Huai three times enthusiastically, feeling that this kid really suited his taste.

He pulled out a business card and slid it across to Su Huai, "Dial my number, and I'll write you the letter right now."

Wow, this treatment is really exceptional, one of a kind.

It's also because the big data major is indeed weak, filled with freshmen, and the academic advisor is also green, which made Su Huai appear all the more valuable.

In a mature department, why would the head of the department bother with a greenhorn?

Su Huai's maneuver to transfer majors just hit the sweet spot for Director Zhang.

He dialed up Zhang's cell phone, saved the number, and then comfortably asked, "Teacher, do you have WeChat? I'll add you."

Climbing the ladder swiftly, he warmly addressed him without the formal title.

Director Zhang laughed heartily, "Of course, I have it; I'm not that much of an antique. It's the same as my cell number, you can search for it."

As they talked, he swiftly signed, and soon enough, the transfer letter was freshly drafted.

"Off you go now. Head downstairs to see Liu from the e-commerce class, finish the paperwork, and then report back to me on WeChat."

Su Huai didn't thank him again; he bowed deeply at a 90-degree angle, respectfully saying, "Then I'm off, teacher, goodbye."


Director Zhang waved his hand, watching Su Huai leave, his smile not fading even at the end.