Chapter 12 Brother! Huai!


All the messy procedures were done, and the fees were paid. Su Huai officially became a member of the Data Science program.

And an exceptionally important member at that.

In front of Liu and Queen Wang, he deliberately sent a voice message to Director Zhang.

"Mr. Director, the procedure for changing majors has been completed. Under the warm care of Mr. Liu and Mr. Wang, the registration went smoothly. I've already obtained the information about the teachers, the academic affairs, and my classmates, and I am ready to get to work. Do you have any further instructions?"

Liu cracked a wide, very cheerful smile.

Wang Zhi was also smiling but appeared shy.

After a short while, Director Zhang replied with a voice message, "Very good. First, settle into your dormitory, and then before the afternoon class meeting, stop by the student affairs office to clarify your duties. After that, you will need to assist Wang Zhi in managing the class."

Su Huai didn't send another voice message, but typed two characters: "Received."

Liu marveled at Su Huai's handling of the situation, thinking to himself how seasoned this young fellow was.

Hs family must be in politics, and not at a low level either!

Priding himself on his sharp perception, Liu was sure he wasn't mistaken, and as a result, became even more attentive towards Su Huai.

"Let's go, Su, I'll take you to see your dormitory."

Of course, Su Huai had to refuse, "No, I wouldn't dare trouble you further, it's the first day of school, and you must be quite busy. I can manage on my own."

Liu Yutang didn't insist either. It was their first day meeting and fawning over him too much wouldn't be good.

So, he nodded, "Alright then, go on with your things. If there's anything, communicate with me directly on WeChat. We at the School of Management are short on foundations and have few students; we need to carry on the tradition of helping and supporting each other, to grow our platform stronger together..."

The sentiment was grand, the awareness high.

Liu felt everything was in order, as the overall development of the School of Management and everyone's interests were intertwined. Working together was the right thing to do.

Unfortunately, it wasn't his place to say this.

The major that truly maintains the prestige of the School of Management is Public Administration. The person who truly decides the development of the School of Management is President Xie. And the students who truly can give back to the School of Management, over the years, have only been two and a half—the most important of them naturally being Gu Jiuyue.

Of course, things are different now.

The number one spot among the School of Management's notable alumni must be mine.

Even though Su Huai currently does not have anything impressive to show for it, he harbored such confidence and thus took a stance above Liu Yutang to survey everything in the school.

Therefore, he said nothing to Liu Yutang, just smiled, nodded, expressed his appreciation, and left coolly.

After he had left, Liu and Wang Zhi shared a few words.

"Wang," Liu said, "this student of yours is something special! It's a pity that Director Zhang has set his eyes on him, otherwise, I would never let him go no matter what..."


Wang Zhi looked utterly puzzled, "Is that so? Then I'll pay special attention to his grades..."

Muttering to himself, "Talking to the cow about playing the piano!" Liu Yutang shook his head, sighed, and went back to his office.

What was the management thinking?

Why did they choose this person to stay at the school?

The Data Science major, truly the stepchild of the family...


Su Huai with a stack of documents in his arms, descended the stairs and immediately spotted Chen Nuanhan and Wu Tianyou waiting under the shade of the trees.

Well, mostly because Chen Nuanhan was highly recognizable.

"Shining in a crowd" is a phrase often used on Weibo and Xiaohongshu to describe the beauty of female celebrities, but in reality, there's only a handful of celebrities who are truly that gorgeous.

The majority of other female stars, standing next to Chen Nuanhan, would be utterly overshadowed.

With her 95-point beauty, she was domineering—it was like winning the genetic lottery bestowed by the heavens, a chance in several millions, a level of natural talent that not even plastic surgery could achieve.

Chen Nuanhan didn't need to dress lavishly or make up. Simply standing there with her casual elegance was enough to attract all the passing glances.

When Su Huai saw her, she had just been made to laugh by Wu Tianyou, exposing her full lips and flashing her pearly white teeth.

She laughed generously, never coy or hiding her mouth—a cheerfulness unique to mixed-race individuals from the Northeast.


Su Huai thought to himself, "I wonder if you'll still be able to laugh later... Your fish has completely slipped the hook!"

As she caught sight of Su Huai, her smile faded, her eyes showing a hint of nervousness and inquiry.

"How did it go? Did you make it happen?"

Wu Tianyou turned around and sized up Su Huai, sneering, "Old Su, I hardly noticed that you had the guts... You've been rejected, haven't you?"

Su Huai glanced at him and replied calmly, "Not bad, Mr. Wang and Director Zhang were quite easy to talk to. From now on, we'll be classmates, and I'll take good care of you."

The slight upward curve of Chen Nuanhan's lips suddenly stiffened.

Meanwhile, Wu Tianyou, his eyes bulging and arms flailing, became visibly agitated, "Impossible! Don't BS me, I don't believe you really transferred!"

Wu Tianyou was unwilling and afraid to believe it, while Chen Nuanhan's gaze flickered with surprise and doubt, half believing it subconsciously.

She was very adept at sensing people's emotions. Su Huai was too confident, too calm, not like he was joking.

"Su Huai, did you really..."


Su Huai pulled out the student directory for the big data class, glanced at it, and with a smile waved Wu Tianyou over, "Let's go, I'll take you to the dorm. Thanks to the counselor's favor, I'm now temporarily acting as our class president."

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

Wu Tianyou's defenses were shattered, and he leaped forward, his eyes wide as he stared at the directory.

"You won't shed a tear until you see the coffin, will you?"

Su Huai pointed it out to him, "See, do you see your name there? North District One, Building B, Room 303. It's a six-person room, but it's on a lower floor and faces the sun; you're quite lucky..."

His condescending remarks instantly made Wu Tianyou's face turn red, panting heavily, unable to utter a single word in response.

Damn it!

This is infuriating... He has pulled a fast one on me!

Chen Nuanhan, standing beside them, felt even more conflicted.

Being unhappy was a given, and there was some anger, but more than that, she felt shock, confusion, and bewilderment.

In the end, she couldn't hold back and asked proactively, "Did you know the school leaders already?"

"Why does it have to be that way?"

Su Huai shrugged his shoulders and replied nonchalantly, "Just knock on the door, discuss the matter, and make clear your requests and reasons, right?"


This guy really is something...

Upon hearing his words, Chen Nuanhan rolled her eyes, feeling like she'd been duped as well.

However, she couldn't help but admire Su Huai, acknowledging that this peer not only dared to think and act but was also quite capable.

The task Wu Tianyou claimed was so difficult turned out to be a breeze for Su Huai, and he even snagged the class president position. Such an unbelievable act was unfolding right before her eyes...

Chen Nuanhan could no longer stay angry but instead asked anxiously, "Is it really that simple? So if I want to transfer to the public management department... do you think I have a chance?"

Good grief, you really do dream big!

But Su Huai did not scoff at her for it.

A girl who is not only very beautiful but also eager to advance is indeed a rare thing, a far cry from the vulgarity of gold-digging to the extreme.

As her good friend, Su Huai felt obliged to provide her with genuine information.

"Public management is definitely out of the question; it's always full or even over-enrolled. If it were from a higher-ranked department to a lower one, there might be a sliver of hope, like from the math department... But within the School of Management, transferring up is out of the question. Don't even think about it, the top won't approve it."

Chen Nuanhan felt as though she'd been smacked in the face, her expression embarrassingly awkward, as she forced a smile, "Oh... I was being too naive... Su Huai, you're amazing."

Ah, right, I like hearing that!

Su Huai smiled and waved his hand nonchalantly, taking the lead, "Let's go, get settled in the dorm."

Just as he was about to move, Wu Tianyou suddenly rushed over and threw his arm around Su Huai's shoulder.

Su Huai frowned and turned his head, only to see a fawning smile.

"Bro! Huai! There's something I want to discuss with you..."