Chapter 18 Good Guys and Bad Guys All Take Turns Being Gou Huai


Liu Yutang had already told Su Huai in advance that the conditions in the old dormitory were poor.

In fact, Su Huai had long been aware of just how bad the old dormitory was: a 30-year-old building, bunk beds for six, no balcony or bathroom or air conditioning, and extremely cramped public areas.

However, he wasn't clear on just how good the new dormitory conditions were.

Now, pushing the dormitory door open, the contrast finally became clear.

The apartment was larger by about four or five square meters, but it was a four-person room, with the bed above and desk below, and each person even had a separate storage cabinet.

The beds weren't adjacent to each other, causing very little disturbance to one another.

The balcony faced directly south, not large but sufficient, especially convenient for airing clothes.

The dormitory had underfloor heating instead of radiators, and it was also equipped with air conditioning, a water dispenser, and a humidifier.

Opening the window, one faced a lush green forest, and to the side were the sports field, archery range, and swimming pool.

Apart from lacking a bathroom and shower room, the comfort level of this dormitory was maxed out.

What can't people stand the most?

Differential treatment.

As the saying goes, the people don't worry about scarcity but rather about inequality. Despite all being freshmen, Su Huai's treatment was far too exceptional.

Chen Nuanhan was already tired from walking, and now she was even more displeased, "Little Su, no wonder you didn't want us to come. This is outrageous..."

Wu Tianyou was also quite envious, but he didn't dare to jump in.

"Huai, you've really hit it big! Is this a dorm for big data students?"

Su Huai glanced at the three beds already filled with stuff, shook his head, and said, "Probably not. It's most likely a mixed dorm."

There wasn't a single person in the dorm, seemingly everyone had gone out to eat or stroll around the campus.

Therefore, Chen Nuanhan naturally vented her frustration through acting spoiled, "I don't care, I am jealous. You're buying lunch!"

A clever approach.

Only to be interrupted by Wu Tianyou, "Nuannuan, I'll treat! What do you want to eat?"

The eager Bootlicker Wu rushed forward, and unsurprisingly received a scolding...

"Beat it! What does this have to do with you?"

Chen Nuanhan was so annoyed smoke seemed to rise from her head, "When I'm joking with others, can you not butt in? When I joke with you, has Su Huai ever interfered unnecessarily?

Please, have some sense of boundaries. Thank you very much!"

Wu Tianyou was left speechless yet again.

In his mind: Boundaries? What the hell are those?

But he didn't dare to argue back and immediately apologized with a smile, "Sorry, Nuannuan, don't be mad. I just couldn't wait to treat you to something good..."

Su Huai looked at him with pity, thinking: There, you're completely tied down by Chen Nuanhan now...

In his last life, Su Huai treated Chen Nuanhan the same way, coddling her like a treasure.

The more he gave, the harder it became to let go, until he was completely captivated.

Some women deserve to be cherished and spoiled because they are sensible and dignified, never losing their composure no matter how much they're spoiled, and are willing to return even more love.

But some women shouldn't be spoiled; they're not necessarily malicious or mean-spirited, just self-centered by nature, more focused on their own experiences, and prone to overlooking the feelings of others.

Once they receive too much favoritism, they become even more excessive, believing they deserve more and that everything is their due.

Uh, to correct myself — the above isn't gender-specific; many men are the same.

This is the syndrome of being overly favored in the new era, with the majority of sufferers being beautiful people, second-generation rich kids, and a minority being 'little fairies' and 'believing men' brainwashed by marketing accounts.

Reborn, Su Huai had no intention of indulging any patient. It was enough to treat them as tools, to score Gold Coins when possible, to tease when not, and most importantly, to have fun.

Therefore, when he saw Wu Tianyou taking his place and hanging up the Gou King sign, far from minding, he actually found it amusing.

You two are really the perfect match for torturing each other...

There might be no chance of you ending up together, as every collision results in mutual destruction. Keep at it, keep at it; I fucking love this kind of drama!


Watching the excitement as if waiting for another few barbed exchanges between them, Gou Huai felt content and jumped out to play the peacemaker.

"Let's go, let's go, the North District One cafeteria is just downstairs. It's my treat, just don't mind that it's cheap," he said.

Su Huai threw his backpack, which contained six packs of cigarettes, into the locker and took his meal card, phone, and keys, pushing Chen Nuanhan out the door by her shoulder.

While creating physical contact, he also tried to comfort her warmly, "Tianyou has always been like that, what's the use of getting angry at him? Just get used to it slowly, although he can be a bit impulsive at times, he is still more reliable than strangers..."

Chen Nuanhan initially felt warmed by his words, but when she heard "get used to it slowly," her head began to pound again.

4 years...

I have to study in university for 4 years!

If I really get entangled by this psycho sticky dog for a full 4 years, how am I supposed to live?!

Chen Nuanhan felt a mess inside, her head buzzing.

On the other hand, Wu Tianyou was also close to going mad with rage—damn it, Su Huai, what the hell is up with your paws?!

He couldn't see the irritation in Chen Nuanhan's mood, he only saw Su Huai touching the goddess's shoulder, and the goddess having no reaction at all, which immediately filled him with anger.

But he didn't dare to confront Su Huai head-on... It was just too frustrating!

So, he followed behind the two of them with a dark expression, his glares sharp as knives, fiercely stabbing at Su Huai with his eyes, yet he didn't utter a word.

The odd trio walked down from the men's dormitory, attracting countless attention along the way.

It was only when Chen Nuanhan finally snapped out of it and slapped away Su Huai's dog paw that Su Huai smoothly and inconspicuously wrapped his arm around Wu Tianyou's neck.

"Xiao Wu, you should be mindful in the future. Nuannuan has always been the little princess in our class, everyone spoils her dearly, so why do you always manage to make her angry?

You're not a kid anymore.

Listen to your brother, stop playing those immature boyish games. If you want to chase her, do it openly and respect Nuannuan's opinions, act normal.

She's a good girl, neither materialistic nor superficial, she cares more about feelings and comfort in the relationship.

You need to take good care of her, at the very least, try not to anger her. Do you hear me?"


How the hell could I have done it on purpose?!

Wu Tianyou was left speechlessly "advised," not even able to mutter a single fuck.

Because what Su Huai said, despite being patronizing, seemed to make a lot of sense.

After pondering deeply for a while, Wu Tianyou had to admit that maybe he really should start by taking care of her and take things slow.

"Huai bro, I..."

Feeling somewhat ashamed yet very moved, he finally gave his chest a strong pat.

"Thanks for the reminder. I understand now. Just watch me, Huai bro, I'll definitely behave well!"

Well, one really dared to spout nonsense, and the other really dared to believe it. What a pair!

Wu Tianyou, whose leg was pulled, was bursting with fighting spirit, while on the other hand, Chen Nuanhan, who heard their exchange, felt very happy.

Su Huai praised me, saying I'm "neither materialistic nor superficial," he really gets me!

Chen Nuanhan had her doubts whether Su Huai had deliberately taken advantage of her before, but now, she wasn't so sure.

Huai bro is really mature, has a keen judgment of character, and is genuinely kind-hearted.

There's just one thing that's bothersome... it seems like he really doesn't like me.

How odd, what am I not doing well enough to make him feel such a strong sense of distance?

The little princess quietly began to reflect, which was indeed quite rare.

And what about Gou Huai?

He had played both the good guy and the bad guy, chuckling to himself in his heart, feeling that life was really freaking interesting.

Money—he would have plenty of it eventually.

But this simple pleasure that also worked to resolve the grievances of a past life was something money couldn't buy and he could never have too much of.