Chapter 15 Full of Thoughts on Scamming Girls [Votes in Various Forms Requested]

Chen Nuanhan was actually quite intelligent; it was just that she greatly lacked relevant experience.

Therefore, as she watched Su Huai show off his skills right in front of her, she was not only greatly shocked but also felt that she had learned a few tricks amidst her confusion.

How could he be so amazing?!

He didn't seem like a teenager at all with his proficiency.

The Su Huai I knew before, was he really the real him?!

Chen Nuanhan's thoughts wavered, and with them her will did too. So, subconsciously, she began to reassess Su Huai, with her favorability involuntarily going UPUP.

But Su Huai didn't strike while the iron was hot; instead, he took a step back voluntarily and concentrated on his own business.

Director Zhang soon replied to the message: "Your thoughts are very thorough. Fairness often has a decisive importance procedurally, and it's always best to owe less in terms of personal favors.

On these two premises, the exchange of new students is indeed a good idea, and it could also help your shortsighted high school classmate.

I agree, let's have Liu take care of it."

It was a reply with a huge amount of information, causing Su Huai to ponder for a long time.

In the end, he replied, "Your generosity is the foundation of every premise, and the underlying logic of this matter is that I've caused the teacher trouble, so it looks like I'll have to work even harder in the future! [Strive][Strive][Strive]"

No more replies appeared on the chat screen after that.

However, Su Huai seemed to see Director Zhang's smiling face; he was certain that the other party's mood must be very good.

This isn't called "sucking up".

These are matters between scholars, don't make it so vulgar; this is called maintaining a benefactor~~~

With just one sentence from Director Zhang, Su Huai not only got to stick with Gu Jiuyue but also earned more than ten thousand in startup funds. Doesn't he deserve respect?

Su Huai was never the type to demolish the bridge after crossing the river.

If someone treats me to a spring of water, I must repay them with the same!

Happy with himself, he put away his phone just as Wu Tianyou came running back, panting.

In the heat of summer, the poor kid had worked up quite a sweat on his forehead.

And this dog's eyes were sharp; he instantly noticed that something was off with the distance between Chen Nuanhan and Su Huai—too close—and there was also something peculiar about the goddess's expression.

How to describe it?

She looked charmingly naive with a bit of shyness, throwing a small tantrum without really being angry?

Damn it!

Wu Tianyou panicked. Su Huai, you're such a dog, TM! Making money off me while you steal my girl?!

The brat was about to snap but suddenly realized something was wrong: No, hold on, I'm still freaking asking favors from Su Huai!

I'll hold back for now!

"Huai, your cigarettes are here!"

Wu Tianyou said with a forced laugh as he handed the black plastic bag to Su Huai, which surprisingly contained not four but six packs of Chung Hwa cigarettes.

This guy, when seeing an advantage, was really willing to invest.

Su Huai took the cigarettes and casually stuffed them into his shoulder bag.

Then he waved his hand nonchalantly, "Go on, administrative building, fourth floor, east side, e-commerce office, and look directly for Teacher Liu Yutang."


Wu Tianyou, who had just been quite indignant, was dumbfounded: "I—I go by myself? Huai, aren't you going to accompany me?"

Su Huai frowned, "I've already handled the toughest part for you. You just have to meet with the counselor and sign the paperwork. What's so hard about that?"


Wu Tianyou's eyes darted around, and he suddenly looked at Chen Nuanhan with a troubled expression.

"Nuannuan, why don't you come with me? We'll be in the same class, and it's a good chance for you to meet the counselor in advance..."

"I'm not going!"

Chen Nuanhan rejected without a second thought.

Not only that, she retorted with a cold sneer, "Do you still remember the bet you just made? If Su Huai successfully transfers into big data, what was it you were supposed to eat while standing on your head?"

Damn it!

Why is the goddess picking on me again?!

Wu Tianyou's face flushed with embarrassment, and he didn't dare to meet Su Huai's gaze as he quickly turned and dashed towards the administrative building.

"Huai, let's chat later, I'm gonna go handle the procedures!"

Actually, it's totally unnecessary. Our Gou Huai is so magnanimous, never into hitting back or seeking revenge. What's the hurry!

As soon as he left, Chen Nuanhan, who had been stern-faced, once again smiled like a blooming flower, pestering Su Huai for another explanation.

"I've thought it through! What's the second reason then?"

What she wanted wasn't a reason, but to continue interacting with Su Huai.

Only with enough interaction could one get a clear measure of a man. If it's pleasant, one does it tirelessly; if it's dull, there's no next time—it's a simple truth.

But Su Huai didn't want to engage with her anymore—because he understood her well enough, and today's output was already on point.

For a great beauty who doesn't demand much from external things, it's very hard to raise the Favorability Rating.

Today's gains were already not small. Continuing might result in an energy input that's disproportional to the gains, so it wasn't necessary.

Hence, Su Huai plopped down on a stone stool under the shade of a tree and muttered to himself, "It's so hot and I'm so thirsty, I really want to eat a piece of ice cream..."

Chen Nuanhan got angry yet again.

She was always like this, her temper and whims surfacing out of nowhere, sometimes dispersing in a few seconds, sometimes lingering absurdly for a long while.

This time, Su Huai didn't indulge her, keeping his head lowered, quietly fiddling with his phone.

After an awkward standstill of about 10 seconds, she rarely backed down.

"Wait for me, Class Monitor Su, I'll go buy you ice cream!"

She stormed off, and Su Huai still didn't look up.

Just a tool, anyway. I've already bagged my 30 points of Favorability Rating reward; who cares whether you're in a huff or not?

In fact, missing out on today—her most impulsive and emotionally volatile moment—it was out of the question to trick her into running errands for him again.

Well aware of this, Su Huai thus sent her on her way first.

Even if it would lower her Favorability, it was also a kind of "her first time" in a sense.

The first time a guy forced her to buy something to eat - whether it's seen as a bribe, an attempt to please, or as lowering his status, it might not be incredibly important, but it would definitely take up space in her memory.

Women, after all, always remember all sorts of "first times".

The more they occur, filling her up, the more different her standing becomes, right?

Gou Huai's schemes are truly endless, one after another; even he himself is a bit puzzled: All that theory from my previous life, supposedly so hard to apply, how come after rebirth I'm nailing it so smoothly?

Curious and strange indeed...

Watching Chen Nuanhan walk away, Su Huai stopped pondering, rubbing his hands together, ready to draw his third reward.

Opening the roulette, off we go!

Today might really be Su Huai's lucky day. Out of three lottery draws, he hadn't hit a blank even once, which had the highest probability.

This time, the roulette pointer stopped on the blue area.

The gold prize is talent, the red prize is ability, and the blue prize seems to be attribute?

After two seconds of anticipation, the reward popped up, and sure enough—it was a single attribute.

[Congratulations, Host has drawn Chen Nuanhan's Comprehensive Intelligence and EQ, IQ & EQ +3]

Not bad, not bad at all!

Su Huai had also figured it out now, buying attributes with dog food would be very cheap at the beginning but was bound to be super expensive later on.

The attributes obtained from direct draws, although not significant, could possibly save a vast amount of dog food later on, so it's certainly not a loss.

A level-1 system has only 3 targeted individuals, and at most, could result in some 20 draws, so it's most profitable to go for talents rather than dog food.

Drawing attributes was neither a gain nor a loss.

And after dog food was locked onto Gu Jiuyue, there was no need to draw it from the roulette at all.

As long as I shamelessly let Xiaojiu spend on me every day, wouldn't that stuff be as plentiful as I want?

Gou Huai, determined to eat soft rice to his heart's content, now had his mind filled with thoughts of how to fleece a girl...


Today I'm making a push for the weekly rankings, updating in advance, asking for all kinds of votes.

If you can afford it, give a tip of 100 coins, let's bulk up the numbers.

In return, late at night, here's a slice of Baguette for your snack!