Chapter 36 The Lord of Warm Men, The King of Clarity


Before 10 o'clock, all four people in the dorm room were lying in their beds.

It was quite a formality, really, who could fall asleep at this time?

Chu Changkuo was still emo, so he hid under the covers playing with his phone, wearing headphones, which didn't disturb anyone.

Sao Ji was even more downcast, having lost his game and failed to out-cuss his opponent, he had put his phone on silent and was texting someone unseen.

Only Xia Yu seemed largely unaffected, quietly chatting with Su Huai.

They started by expressing their excitement about the upcoming college life, then naturally, the topic shifted to women.

"Huai, I went to the faculty this afternoon and saw so many beauties..."

Su Huai casually responded, "Yeah, your school has a lot of beauties, take it easy, it's easy to find a girlfriend there."

Something Xia Yu heard must have opened the floodgates, as he suddenly rolled over and said excitedly, "Huai, I've already found the goddess of my dreams!"