Chapter 45 Employee Number One Demands to Start Work Immediately!


"Everyone, please share your opinions. Between the low-sugar version and the honey-added version of the sour plum drink, do you see any areas that are not good enough or could be improved?"

Dandong Girl was immediately annoyed, her eyes widening: "Wait a minute! Where's the explanation?!"

Bai Huitian chimed in, "Yeah! Nuannuan was tricked by you, so where's the explanation for why you did this?"

"OK! OK! I'll explain right away."

Su Huai raised his hands in surrender, considered his words, and began to clarify his thoughts.

"Actually, it's quite simple. When we create two extremes of the same product and then differentiate them with appropriate descriptions, the value and the effects of both are polarized.

Consumers will then clearly identify their needs through comparison—I want more sugar, I want to cool off, I crave something but don't want to gain weight…

Originally, these needs were vague.