Chapter 43: Bastard, What Have You Gotten Yourself Into?

Wu Qizi tugged forcefully at the hem of his white coat, wiping the sweat that had just seeped into his palm, then quickly stepped forward, extending both hands.

"I am Wu Qizi, the heir of Life Hall. How may I address you, classmate?"

"My surname is Su, Su Huai."

Su Huai shook hands with Wu Qizi generously, applying a light pressure, but didn't get a strong response, and he instantly made a preliminary judgment about him.

He seemed to be a traditional Chinese medicine doctor from a family with passed-down medical skills, with a good nature and a gentle temperament, not the pure-bred merchant type who is only after money.

So he beamed brightly.

Huai bro likes doing business with people who can't do business.

The subsequent negotiations went smoother than he had anticipated. Wu Qizi was very interested in Su Huai's proposal—paying in cash, promoting Life Hall's sour plum drink, only asking for a discount when the quantity increased. Why would anyone disagree?