Chapter 64 Shock from the Top Swagger_2

"Kuokuo, if you can come to terms with it, that's the best... Alright, keep looking ahead and if you need any help, just say the word!"

Chu Changkuo felt his face scrunch up with displeasure at being addressed like that, but after much thought, he decided to bear it.

Kuokuo it is, then. Nothing smells sweeter than Chen Nuanhan!

"Huai, what does Chen Nuanhan like?"

She likes drinking, eating meat, getting beauty sleep, playing games, window shopping without buying... Which can you take advantage of?

After thinking for a moment, Su Huai still offered him a strategy, "First, find a way to add her on WeChat, see if you can duo with her in Honor of Kings, and then wait until military training is over to see what club she wants to join. Follow her lead, and then we'll talk about the rest later."

"Got it!"

Chu Changkuo was invigorated, feeling like the future was bright.