Chapter 71: Here Comes the Wave [Thanks to the Silver League]_4

Gou Dongxi, you wait and see if I don't gouge out your eyeballs!

We're definitely not finished!

Chen Nuanhan stomped her foot hard, huffed coldly, and turned her head to walk towards the water room.

And then...

She hadn't walked many steps when Su Huai, carrying a student from their class, rushed out and darted past her from behind.

"Excuse me, sick person coming through, please make way!"

Chen Nuanhan didn't even turn her head, completely unaffected.

I'm already walking close to the wall on the right side, dare to pull me again and see if I don't bite you!

Su Huai didn't pull her, but as he passed by, he turned his head and gave her a meaningful glance.

Frowning and watching Su Huai's figure disappear around the corner, she asked her girlfriends in confusion, "What does Gou Huai mean? Why is he looking at me with that kind of look?"

The girlfriends all squatted by the wall in unison, covering their faces or bellies, nearly splitting with laughter.