Chapter 88: Sniping from the Front Door!

Chen Nuanhan and Gu Jiuyue's fateful encounter came so suddenly that Su Huai was caught off guard.

Just by looking at Chen Nuanhan's eyes, Su Huai knew, this girl truly felt threatened.

When had Miss Chen ever cared about other women?

It was only Gu Jiuyue who had broken through her defenses in their last life, and this life... damn it, I can't even bear to think about it!

Su Huai felt numb inside, his 60-something points in Realistic Acting not being much use, as he gave them a dry smile and waved his hand.

"Hey, what a coincidence... Are you guys also having a class meeting?"

Chen Nuanhan didn't respond to him.

No, that's not right, Chen Nuanhan's gaze was still shifting back and forth over him and Gu Jiuyue, but she didn't say a word.

Shu Shengnan and Bai Huitian wouldn't allow the situation to become awkward, quickly chiming in.

"That's right! Class Monitor Su."

"Su Papi, your friend is really pretty... But how come I've never seen her before?"