Chapter 93: What on earth does this child's family do?!_3

[I want to improve in math]

[Score high in advanced mathematics]

[Master the Java framework source code!]

[Aim for № 1!!!]

Hua Qianqian wrote only three words on the blackboard but added three exclamation points.

Su Huai immediately offered special encouragement, "Qianqian is attending school with the help of a student loan. Some students are already aware and some may not understand yet, but sooner or later, everyone will come to know.

I bring up this point not because I want you to pity her, to be lenient with her—she doesn't need that.

I greatly admire Qianqian. She has a kind of powerful resilience, as well as a vitality as robust as wild grasses, and I am very willing to learn from her.

Come on, let's give Qianqian a round of applause to encourage her courage, and wish her health, knowledge, and friendship..."


The applause burst into a fervor the instant it began, with many girls clapping while sending their blessings to Hua Qianqian.