Chapter 96 Crazy Pulling_2

Ah?! What the heck?!!!

Chen Nuanhan's eyes widened and her mouth hung open, completely dumbfounded.

"Kiss what?!"

"Kiss me, of course."

"Kiss you where?!"

"Of course on the mouth, a kiss, a kiss, it's got to be like in the idol dramas, right?"

"Ha! Haha!"

In just a brief exchange, it took her over five seconds to take it all in and to understand what Gou Huai was after.

Then, the anger she had felt suddenly subsided; she found it all too amusing.

Discussing the topic of kissing with Su Huai, for her, wasn't an unacceptable, disgusting thing.

On the contrary, it made her feel intrigued and excited.

So, with great interest, she retorted, "So, you actually like me a lot, want to date me, but you think love isn't as important as those things because you've never felt the dopamine release from intimate contact with a girl, don't know whether love is really that joyful ... Did I sum that up right?"


Now it was Su Huai's turn to be caught off guard.