Chapter 103: Everyone move aside, this old lady is going to go big!

"Have you ever thought about working for yourself one day?"

Pei Shuyu was taken aback by the question, and her mind started to race.

The advantage of text chatting was that you had ample time to think and articulate your words more precisely.

So her reply was quite interesting—

"I haven't thought about it, but I'd like to."

Then she quickly sent another message, "Daddy, actually, I'm quite ambitious, and I especially yearn to make money, be independent, and be respected."

Su Huai carefully pondered her choice of words and felt they were very pointed.

The aspirations of a typical girl wouldn't usually be these three words.

First, to make money, then to be independent, and finally to be recognized and respected—it's a progression, each step deeper than the last.

Logically speaking, such dreams often stem from children from unhappy homes, indicating a strong desire to escape their current circumstances.