Chapter 116 Dad is going to take you flying. _2

"Don't just look at their faces, how harmonious do they look together?"

"Right, right, they totally give off couple vibes!"

In groups of three and five, their voices weren't loud, but their murmuring was endless...

Folks, who understands the joy of chasing episodes live?

Su Huai didn't get it, but he had a thick skin. Let whoever wanted to watch, watch; he was unfazed by any interference, not even if the Emperor himself showed up, from advancing his plans.

Right now, Gou Huai had a new plan—

The playboy's operation of ten sprints per person, the Great Battle.

The motto: Climax upon climax, bravely venture to the ends of the earth!

A total shortfall of 30 points, divided among the three of them, each responsible for 10 points. Assuming each flirtation raises the favorability by one point, then each of them only needs to make a move 10 times to have enough experience to level up.

In fact, it probably won't take that many tries.