—— namely, the mother of the great hero of the Trojan War, Achilles.
At the same time, when Hephaestus was born and thrown down from Mount Olympus, it was Thetis who raised him, so she is also the most respected foster mother of the God of Fire, Hephaestus.
With two such fine sons, it would be difficult for her to remain unknown.
Of course, she herself was also renowned for her wisdom and beauty, the most virtuous among the 50 daughters of Nereus.
Because of her astonishing beauty and wisdom, she had many common topics with another Ocean Goddess—the original Goddess of Wisdom, Metis, and thus they became friends.
Legend says that the King of Gods on Mount Olympus also once fervently pursued her.
But in the end, Zeus, who was usually so successful in his pursuits, chose to give up on his own accord.
Because His Majesty the King of Gods had heard from somewhere a prophecy: