Chapter 11 Magic Power Pearl

Early in the morning, sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains and fell upon the bed, forming a bright pattern.

Russell stretched his limbs, waking from slumber, and opened his eyes feeling neither fatigue nor irritation, but rather refreshed and full of vigor.

Perhaps it was the youthful vigor that brought this sensation, or the deep sleep that conferred it, or maybe it was the Battle Qi that was constantly improving his physique—anyhow, he was quite pleased with his current state of health.

Brimming with health!

He casually pulled the bell rope by his bedside, which was connected to the servants' rest room, causing another bell with a "Master Bedroom" sign to jingle.

Servants couldn't always be at their master's side.


a bell rope was an indispensable device.

"Ah, that was a splendid sleep, even though I have to struggle in the Gloomy Dreamland every night, it didn't affect my sleep—in fact, it was even more comfortable than before," Russell rejoiced inwardly. The next moment, his eyes widened, "Pearl mussels!"

Last night in the Gloomy Dreamland, he had discovered what seemed to be a mussel that could nurture a Magic Power Pearl, but he couldn't leave the Gloomy Dreamland.

Even if the Little Dream Dragon was tired and the Gloomy Dreamland dispersed, he would fall into a deep sleep and couldn't wake up.

"Good, I didn't forget about my pearl mussel... I wonder if it's still there after one night, or if it has run away."

Knock, knock, knock.

The knock on the door was accompanied by the voice of the head maid, "Good morning, Sir."

"Good morning, come in," said Russell, who had already gotten out of bed.

The door opened and Head Maid Leona entered with three maids, Eileen, Phoebe, and Olivia, each carrying out their duties just like the maids at Fluorescent Castle.

One made the bed, another tidied the table, and the third prepared the washing utensils.

However, it was evident that these three young maids were slightly more inexperienced in their movements compared to those at Fluorescent Castle.

Moreover, the quality of the maids themselves was a bit lower; Eileen had a face full of freckles, Phoebe had buck teeth, and Olivia appeared short and stocky. Only Head Maid Leona had a tall figure and a beautiful face, and Russell also remembered how round her buttocks appeared when she bent down.

After Russell was done with his ablutions, Leona and the maids left one after another.

Manservant Ram knocked and entered, "Sir."

"Mhm," Russell didn't refuse the manservant's help in dressing. These noble habits had been ingrained in this body.

"Sir, do you need to practice your Battle Qi this morning? If so, you may wear this Training Outfit," Ram, serving Russell for the first time, was a bit uncertain about Russell's rules as he asked tentatively.

Russell gave a brief command, "Training Outfit."

He didn't show his amiable side; familiarity breeds contempt, while proximity without respect causes disrespect. Knowing how to balance this was an art in itself.

After donning his Training Outfit, he went downstairs for breakfast.

"Sir!" Knight Teacher Eric and four Knight Attendants were already having breakfast.

Russell sat down at the breakfast table, "Good morning."

"Sir, your breakfast," Butler Morris personally brought the breakfast over. Compared to the self-serve breakfast at Fluorescent Castle, the fare here was a bit frugal—just egg and fish over rice, bread and milk, along with a small dish of jam.

Halfway through breakfast, Charles came downstairs yawning, "Good morning, Russell, it seems self-discipline has become your instinct."

Russell casually responded, "Good morning."

Breakfast finished.

Butler Morris approached to report, "Sir, Foreman Hans has come with five village chiefs to await your instructions."

"I have been wanting to see him," Russell thought and then spoke.

He stepped outside the manor into the bright sunshine, which dispelled the chill of the previous night.

Hans and the five village chiefs immediately greeted Russell, then followed him down the slope toward the Glowing River.

"Hans, are there any pearl mussels or shells in the Glowing River?"

"Yes, Sir, the Glowing River is home not only to river clams but also to giant snails. Sometimes, Baron Sir would send men to collect a batch of river delicacies, and the serfs could take the chance to grab a few river clams and giant snails to savor the taste of these delicacies."

All that was within the estate belonged to the Lord; thus, even the fish and shrimp in the river were considered the Lord's private property.

Unless the Lord permitted, the serfs were not allowed to fish in the river on their own.

"I see... Hans, I'm in the mood for some river delicacies today. Could you help me fish some river clams and giant snails from the river?" Russell asked with a smile.

It would be inappropriate for him to do so himself, as it would neither suit noble manners nor seem fitting for his station.

Hans didn't hesitate and rolled up his pant legs: "To serve you is Hans's honor, Sir."

The five platoon leaders were not to be outdone; they followed suit, rolled up their pant legs, and stepped barefoot into the icy waters of the Glowing River.

The ice had melted late, and at this time, the water level of the Glowing River was still shallow, barely covering the ankles at the river's edge.

Before long, they had felt out a large pile of river clams and giant snails - their skill was clear for all to see, they certainly had not refrained from stealthily fishing in the river on a regular basis.

"Wow, what's going on here?" Charles, having finished breakfast, came over curiously. "Are you salvaging river clams?"

Russell laughed, "I'd like to have some river delicacies tonight."

"Heh, river delicacies, huh? Now we're in for a treat. The Glowing River's delicacies are one of the local specialties," Charles, ever fond of drink and fine foods, said. "Usually, they're only served at the Fluorescent Castle and are a rare sight indeed."

On the hillside, Eric and his four Knight Attendants were earnestly practicing their Battle Qi, not joining the commotion below.


Hans held up a basketball-sized black river clam, exclaiming excitedly, "Praise the Great Dragon, Sir, look at this clam! I've never felt one this large before."

As he spoke, Hans, holding the clam, hurried over to present the treasure.

Russell's eyes lit up; he strongly suspected that the Magic Light he saw last night was emitted from within this clam, and that there must be a pearl of magic power inside.

Before he had a chance to remind anyone, Charles started shouting, "Russell, quick, open it! With a clam this big, there might already be a pearl of magic power inside! Legend has it that some large shells, like a Gemstone Dragon, can nurture pearls of magic power!"

The Gemstone Dragon could nourish veins of gemstones and was a miraculous creature birthed by the earth.

A pearl of magic power clearly couldn't compare to a gemstone, but it was still a rare and magical object with extraordinary effects.

"Can you pry it open, Hans?"

"I don't have a knife, Sir."

At that moment, a Fine Steel Longsword was handed over; Eric had also approached and offered his own sword.

But Hans struggled for a while and still couldn't pry open the giant clam.

"Let me!" Eric, unable to stand by any longer, crouched down and, channeling his Battle Qi into the Fine Steel Longsword, stabbed fiercely at the seam of the clam shell. The tightly closed clam shell couldn't withstand the force and was pierced by the sword tip.

With a snap,

Eric exerted force, and a crack opened in the giant clam.

He dropped the Fine Steel Longsword and, using his hands, pried at the opening and forcefully pulled the two shell halves apart, revealing the golden hued flesh of the clam.

Scraping away the clam's flesh, a membranous sack was revealed, beneath which there were five irregular, round protrusions. The largest was the size of a hen's egg, while the smallest was only as big as a marble.

"Wow, pearls. There really are pearls!" Charles exclaimed excitedly, "This time, we truly must praise the Great Dragon, Russell, there really are pearls of magic power inside!"

In this world, there were no ordinary pearls; each and every pearl held magic power.

Just like the gemstone veins nourished by the Great Dragons, they all contained miraculous magic power, and once that power was exhausted, the gemstones would shatter.

The same was true for pearls.

"Well done!" Russell applauded softly. Although he had guessed as much the night before, the actual capture of a pearl was still an exciting event.

After all, this was the first benefit he had garnered through his own 'golden finger.'

Immediately, he instructed, "Butler Morris, have the kitchen prepare a batch of milk tea for Hans and the others to warm themselves up."